
Teddy Pardo i80a vs PR1/MB100

Did you compare these amplifiers in your own setup or at dealer?

There's something seriously wrong with the setup if you manage to get fatiguing sound out of those Naim setups. I've listened to SN2 + HiCapDR for three years now and heard 272 + 250.2 in several demos but not at home. Most pleasant sound with all the Naim strengths in all occasions. But at this level, if you feed poor signal to the amps or make poor choices with cabling, you can make them sound fatiguing. I've experienced this also so it's not impossible.

I use TeddyU2S to feed my Naim DAC and it does awesome job. Easily the best USB to S/PDIF converter I've used, and I've used many. Pure and clean sound with black background. Extracts much more detail than the Stello U3 which I previously used.

Hi Patu, in all fairness this was only auditioned at dealers location and not head to head in my home. Me and my brother who did the listening were equal surprised. It was a in dedicated hi treated listening room. Boths were on Naim Fraim support. Speaker were som Elac and they were boths run in so what made these setups sounds poor I can`t say.

Regards Magnus
I bought an i80a to replace a PR1/MB100 combo a while ago when I needed to reclaim a shelf for an AVR and have been quite happy with it since. I should add I live in a small flat, so even the potential of the i80a is plenty for my setup.

I like the fact I can relax safe in the knowledge that I bought a good amp and there's no money-go-round when it comes to TP: no expensive power supplies to buy or countless pounds and pence to pour down the rabbit hole of the erstwhile, upgrade path.

@ Windhoek, i am also aiming for TP, however no one seems to have heard the combination with ATC speakers. I am not sure is the match between TP and ATC is good. Aiming for the IA80, i am afraid for having maybe too little power for the ATC's. My listening room is also not that big, but i do like to play above average volume level. Did you notice a significant difference in power when going from the Pr1/MB100 to the I80A? May i ask what speakers you drive with the I80A?
@ Windhoek, i am also aiming for TP, however no one seems to have heard the combination with ATC speakers. I am not sure is the match between TP and ATC is good. Aiming for the IA80, i am afraid for having maybe too little power for the ATC's. My listening room is also not that big, but i do like to play above average volume level. Did you notice a significant difference in power when going from the Pr1/MB100 to the I80A? May i ask what speakers you drive with the I80A?

I'd be amazed if the i80a can't drive your particular ATCs. I used to use mine with a pair of ATC SCM7 and SCM11s and it could drive them no problem. Admittedly, the amp gets from nought to loud a bit quicker nowadays with my high sensitivity Kralk Audio speakers than it did with either of the ATCs I used to own, but I rarely if ever found the TP amp unable to go loud. If you have the space for the MB100 monos that would be the best bet, but unless you're planning on going deaf, an i80a should do just fine :)
Thanks Windhoek. i have bought the MB100 mono's and they are stunning. Use the pre1 in the I80A as a pre- amp, and considering buying the pre-1 now and selling the I80A.
@PerF/ Killersteve, Thanks, i know. unfortunately they quit producing these fantastic amps. However, managed to buy an occasion PR1. Fantastic match with the MB100's.

