
Teac RC-613 emitter...


pfm Member
More fixing and help needed from the good DIY folks here.

Teac RC-613 remote control for AH300 & 500 but is actually a system remote.

Action red LED functioning but no output from the remote transmitter LED. How do I know which replacement to buy?
5mm round top is all I know. Could be UV, could be IR and as for any other spec.... no clue!

Hay-elp! (Penelope Pit-Stop voice)
All remotes are IR and you can salvage from another old remote.
You can test with a multimeter on diode test, the forward voltage is just over 1 V, much less than a red LED.
Your phone camera can see the IR emission.
Oh thanks, too easy! I was put off by the huge choice at RS etc.
I have a drawer full of spare remotes, even had the choice between blue tinted and clear, popped a clear in as that what was there before.
I did know the camera test though.... at least!
One newly revived remote control working happily. :D

