
TDL ELECTRONICS reference standard speakers


pfm Member
An interesting loudspeaker, quite good performance in their day with genuine 20Hz bass. Not sure how they would fare against modern competition?

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I wonder if these are the same as the ones pulled from eBay late last week? And the new owner is trying to make a wedge?
I wonder if these are the same as the ones pulled from eBay late last week? And the new owner is trying to make a wedge?
No they aren't the same ones. The ones that were pulled were advertised by eBay seller "oilgas" who is a regular advertiser of TDL products - I don't know if he is on this forum so I'll be careful in what I say from hereon.

The items were pulled under false pretences as there is nothing wrong with them - they were pulled because he had offers and didn't want to pay the eBay fees. I have this in writing...........

He advises that he has pictures of the items being sold by the BHF showing the tweeter cones to be pushed in and evidence that the speakers have been stored in a damp environment - I have asked the BHF for pictures of the drivers but received no response - their eBay advert does say no more pictures can be provided.

I would like to bid on the BHF devices but it is a lottery as to what is underneath the grilles - replacement drivers for these aren't that common.

I have requested pictures of the BHF items myself and not received a reply.

I don't really want to make a successful bid on the BHF items and travel all the way down to Llandudno and find that any of the drivers are damaged in any way. The speakers are advertised as 'Excellent' which, to me, means what it says i.e. as they left the factory and fair wear and tear in the intervening period. They look good externally so I can't vouch for the statement from "oilgas".


I agree with Richard, I too was vaguely interested, but am too wary of what the actual condition of the drivers are in.
Not sure of a realistic value of them is these days. 30 years since I sold my original pair. Saw the other pair listed briefly by "oilgas" but then they disappeared
I agree with Richard, I too was vaguely interested, but am too wary of what the actual condition of the drivers are in.
Not sure of a realistic value of them is these days. 30 years since I sold my original pair. Saw the other pair listed briefly by "oilgas" but then they disappeared

I personally would give them a miss.
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Good evening guys,

I have received a reply from BHF as follows:-

Set of 2 Large TDL ELECTRONICS standard reference speakers- CS L49

Hello Richard,

Thank you for contacting us and for supporting the British Heart Foundation.

Once our listings are produced, to keep the item safe we place it in storage until dispatch. Therefore we cannot provide you with any further details.

Please don't let this deter you however, as we do however offer a 30 day return policy for all of our items. Therefore if you change your mind once receiving any of our items, these can be returned by using a label provided by our returns team.

Kind regards,
British Heart Foundation

This said I'm not sure what the source of information 'oilgas' had for the state of the drivers overall.


At that sort of price point no detailed close ups of the drivers = no sale IMV.

£1K is a lot for speakers of that age irrespective of potential, particularly if there is no driver support.

You really have to be sure they're functional or at least salvageable.

The interweb seems to have pretty much nothing at all about them so I presume somebody must be in the know about how good they are. Either that or it's the most shilltastic auction ever!
If in great condition they are worth a lot more. However I suspect the seller hasn't got a clue, assume all or most of the drivers need fettling or replacing which would cost a grand plus, assuming you can source them.
They would still sound epic.
Good evening guys,

I have received a reply from BHF as follows:-

Set of 2 Large TDL ELECTRONICS standard reference speakers- CS L49

Hello Richard,

Thank you for contacting us and for supporting the British Heart Foundation.

Once our listings are produced, to keep the item safe we place it in storage until dispatch. Therefore we cannot provide you with any further details.

Please don't let this deter you however, as we do however offer a 30 day return policy for all of our items. Therefore if you change your mind once receiving any of our items, these can be returned by using a label provided by our returns team.

Kind regards,
British Heart Foundation

This said I'm not sure what the source of information 'oilgas' had for the state of the drivers overall.


I don't think Richard quite realised the size of these when he said they would provide a label. In fact it would be up to the seller to return them.
I don't think Richard quite realised the size of these when he said they would provide a label. In fact it would be up to the seller to return them.
I am fully aware of the size of these speakers, I don't think Kyle at BHF is though. If I were to win them I would be driving down to collect them, or not, as the case may be.


I owned a pair of the non M version from 88-92 I did regret selling them, but soon started building my own speaker designs, one build somewhat larger than the TDL-RSTLS!!
I do fancy building a big TL at some point.
Watching the auction with interest.
Mine are replicas using NOS speakers, M crossovers but the cabinets are slightly larger and have wool wadding. They were put together by a very knowledgeable restorer of tdl, IMf and other speakers. Heard them side by side with refurbished ‘ standard’ model and preferred them.
I am fully aware of the size of these speakers, I don't think Kyle at BHF is though. If I were to win them I would be driving down to collect them, or not, as the case may be.


I meant Kyle of course! It was the "Regards, Richard" at the end that confused me.
Good afternoon all,

Just had this back from Kyle:-

New message from: bhf_shops (671,725GREEN_SHOOTING_STAR Star)

Set of 2 Large TDL ELECTRONICS standard reference speakers- CS L49

Hello Richard,

Thank you for your response.

If you were to win the auction for these speakers and find they are damaged or misdescibed.

We would be happy to accept a return or come to agreement on a partial refund amount which you find acceptable.

If there is anything else we can do to help, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,
British Heart Foundation

We are open Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays when we are closed).



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