
Surround Sound Receivers surprise


pfm Member
Getting about over the break means listening to friends 'stuff'. Now I have never gone the TV sound system route - thinking it is better to keep things audio away from TV.
So had a listen to a NAD T 755 A/V Surround Sound Receiver with streamed ripped cds etc. Was surprised at just how good it was with music (two channel) - ie not all base heavy movie like - more like a less costly end of the Naim range with a bit more 'air'.
Big hit with family as radio etc easy and simple to control. I'm in need of an amp refresh and now find I'm being asked 'why not get one of 'those' (AV amps) as even you said it was good'.
Anyone else messed with these things - and just how good are they?
..I have no reason to doubt that the NAD will sound pretty good, but it does have a serious flaw as an current AV receiver (which is reflected in it's pricing) doesn't have the ability to route blu ray audio such as Dolby Tru HD or DTS HD Master Audio.

If you are never going to buy a blu ray player then I guess it's a bargain!
ha - the ever increasing pace of obsolecence in AV equipment.

I can't see how manufacturers ever expect anyone to buy anything that costs more than £50 given the speed at which it becoms useless. They really need to define a standard and stick to it or else they're just destroying their own market.
Funny - I suspect it is the 'vast number of holes to plug things into' that keep me in the nice safe basic 2 channel world. Mind you I did flirt with Hafler and 4 speakers back in the early 1980s (amongst other things :) )
ha - the ever increasing pace of obsolecence in AV equipment.

I can't see how manufacturers ever expect anyone to buy anything that costs more than £50 given the speed at which it becoms useless. They really need to define a standard and stick to it or else they're just destroying their own market.
You have overlooked the fact that some of those manufacturers you sneer at - that produce AV equipment are in fact, providing free 'upgrades' for their equipment... via computer downloading. Surely you know computers exist and can be put to that use?

Since when have 'little garage' manufacturers 'that would not dirty their hands on A/V' being seen, providing similar upgrades? Oh! Yes . By just buying their expensive new 'add-on modifications', then perhaps adding some ****y cable they have started to market or simply, you buy the full 'upgraded' model. The add-ons and cable provided in the ' higher price for the entire new purchased Unit'. That's called 'continually paying off something - you already are supposed to own'. A.K.A 'HI- FI alimony payments'.
I am actually a mediacentre PC Pioneer and even PC's are limited by hardware evolution.

My 4 year old PC is now due a MOBO upgrade to enable it to do 7.1 in 192/24 but its only going to cost a net £100 factoring in what I might get for the old CPU. Memory and graphics adaptor.

I could alternatively just get an asus xonar to plug in but it isn't reallly cost effective.

That strikes me a a whole lot better than having to buy a new 1 grand does it all box and flog my 4 year old one for peanuts.
I am actually a mediacentre PC Pioneer and even PC's are limited by hardware evolution.

My 4 year old PC is now due a MOBO upgrade to enable it to do 7.1 in 192/24 but its only going to cost a net £100 factoring in what I might get for the old CPU. Memory and graphics adaptor.

I could alternatively just get an asus xonar to plug in but it isn't reallly cost effective.

That strikes me a a whole lot better than having to buy a new 1 grand does it all box and flog my 4 year old one for peanuts.
That's a grand in Eng. Pounds, I assume. Well I do not have to worry about 20% type V.A.T taxes fortunately. I got my whole 7/1 105 watts RMS each channel - 'computerized box and dice' for 950 dollars, . I would gladly turf it every four years if I had to, or felt the need - at that sort of price. Any excess Hi Fi , I no longer need, I never sell: I just hand it on to grateful friends. If it required getting it repaired...I do not even bother. Last year amongst my collection, a 30 year old Sansui tuner and a 20year old Nachamichi tape deck played up...into the garbage they went.
I use a Sony 6400ES AVR. It replaced a Meridian pre-amp/power amp combo. The Sony doesn't offer quite such a clear sound as the Meridian amps, but its room correction facility helps get rid of a dip in the upper bass. Strangely, the upper bass dip is less prominent with the Sony even with the room correction disabled. The Sony unit cost about half of what the Meridian combo was new. I still have the Meridian amps, and one day I'll see how using the pre-outs of the Sony into the Meridian power amp works.

