
Supplier of Dayton Ultimax in the UK ?

There is usually a UK firm listed on the main website but I don't recognise the current one. When I contacted an earlier one they didn't seem to stock any drivers and weren't particularly interested in supplying to DIYers. Intertechnik in Germany have perhaps been the most reliable European source for DIYers but these things can change. It is the house brand of Parts Express in the US where the drivers are both good value and readily available. This is less the case here in Europe where they are significantly more expensive and less available. The last Dayton woofer I looked at a few years ago was almost exactly twice the price of that advertised in the US and was not in stock.
Although I'm not a Dayton distributor I can probably get whatever you need, I've got a trade account so if you let me know what exactly you need, I'll enquire.


