
Studio AV in Windsor?


Hi all,

I've been trying to get hold of Studio AV in Windsor for a few days but there's no answer to calls/emails.

Does anyone know if they've gone bump or perhaps they're closed for holidays?

There was talk of the possibility of looting in Eton High Street. Apparently several people witnessed a young chap knocking loudly on the door with cries of "I say! I wish to invade this establishment with a view to making orf with a selection of merchandise at a price not reflecting it's worth, and with no intention of telling you my name! Please send your man to open this door at once!"
its like de eton massiv av been like protestin, cos they aint got no future, and nobody's respectin dem, so they dun smash up the igh stree like, an its about the avs and avnots and stoo joe av, obvously av, so that is why people av been takin stuff i blame the governing body. stoo joe and wot, they got a lo o tellies in there innit, so its only right that the oppressed bruthers av it to send this tory scum and the police state the message that we aint standin for it.
Sorry... not much help. I drove past a couple of weeks ago and it was business as usual at that time.
p.s. I spoke to them a couple of days ago and apparently Derek has left, but Peter (from Radford hi-fi in the old days) will be doing their Sondeks.
Hmm so they must still be in business then. Maybe I've got their phone number wrong but I'm using the one on their website.

Either that or they're so busy fighting off the looters they can't get to the phone.....
There is no Massive in Eton, way to posh.

This would be the original Staines Massive marching into town!
p.s. I spoke to them a couple of days ago and apparently Derek has left, but Peter (from Radford hi-fi in the old days) will be doing their Sondeks.

Yes Derek has left to persue more interesting options, one element of which is he will be a freelance consultant and continue to set up and service the LP12 and other players like few can.

I will be making formal announcements in a few days.

A lot of good things are about to happen.
Yes Derek has left to persue more interesting options, one element of which is he will be a freelance consultant and continue to set up and service the LP12 and other players like few can.

I will be making formal announcements in a few days.

A lot of good things are about to happen.

That's very good news, as I'd heard down the grapevine he had left.

Best wishes,


