
Starter headphone set up to blow my mind?

It should make a huge difference to the sound and fit. I can't speak for Campfire -- a phone call or two should answer this for you in the unlikely event it isn't documented on the likes of Head-Fi.

A few companies take digital scans of your ears rather than the gloop method. Gisele has an extremely good rep for us audio obsessed folk inc many artists. She uses customs herself. Any audiologist will create a set of moulds for you - just make sure they're credible.

It might seem a lot of money, once you go custom you won't look back. I'll be shocked if they are not better off sonically. If you've dropped over a grand on IEMs, you should have a good think about going custom.

The only caveat I can think of is weight... I wouldn't be having them done after xmas. with weight gain or loss the mould/impression is likely to differ. I waited to be at my desired weight before having mine done which was acknowledged by Gisele herself.
Great thanks a lot - good to have at least some opinion that they will make a difference to sound. Plus I think a better fit is probably worth a few quid if I wanted to take them running I doubt they would stay snug for long as is.....

Will get on head fi and read some more thanks again :)
Yes great idea! I didn’t think about custom tips - I thought you could only order them when ordering the IEM! :)

Would rather not go to London for them - but the other online one doesn’t list my headphones? I imagine the campfires use the same tip hole size as a lot of others as the tips look the same?

EDIT - they have another site with my phones - but double the price?? I wonder why surely it’s just the size of the hole to pop them over That’s different??

EDIT - apparently IEM are even more at £250.ouch! And I think they need an impression rather than digital photos.

hmmmm - seems a lot anyone know if they make a real difference or is more just about comfort than sound? I guess the former

Both sound and comfort improves. It's about the fit and seal. For my previous se535s I had moulds made from ACS, but they were less goodnto deal with than Snugs, and the comfort was less. ACS also send measurements to US for manufacturing, so they are a longer process, particularly if the fit is not perfect.

Snugs are based on Exmoor and they manufacture in UK. They use local audiologist to make 3D image that is sent to Snugs 3D printing rigs. They also do a fast turnaround if the fit is not perfect first time.

I am close to Exmoor, so prolly biased, but it's been a good experience.

I'd call them to discuss if you are interested.

As for costs, think of spending on ear moulds for your 'premium' IEMs, as you might spend for decent speaker stands were you buying for home hi fi.

AS it's sounds like you are experiencing, all in, a decent head fi rig is good value, compared to spending on home separates that may achieve for same spend.
Ps the Shanling UP2 amp dac looks like a great buy. Tell us more about your experience.

Was the UP4 an option?
Hi - I didn’t really compare it anything, apart from a couple of rushed switches between it and the ifi xdsd. I thought it sounded smoother and just grabbed it - but that’s no conditions to hear the differences really.

But if I didn’t know about anything else, it would be absolutely fine for me - and maybe still will. The headphones are impressing me mightily so I guess it’s doing a good job :)

Really tiny and heavy - multi function button / dial for skip / back / pause. Seems to auto connect when I turn it back on. a pretty loud voice tells you as much (does turn down with the volume dial is a bit a bit of a gripe)

I don’t listen very loud - the Campfires really don’t make me feel I need to :)

Not sure I can see the differences with the Up4. Gain setting? More power?

Will check it out if they have it in stock :)
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Just added a Chord Hugo into the mix - sweet lord why didn’t anyone tell about headphones 20 years ago? :)

Anyone know any tips on how to reduce hiss?

Slightly distracting on quiet passages :(

I barely need to raise the volume to get to a good listening level so I guess the Solaris are very sensitive?

