
Star Trek: Original Series • Discovery • Picard • Lower Decks • Prodigy • Strange New Worlds

Not sure if this is Trek- or music-related content, but when did Commander Riker (drummer bloke on left) join King Crimson?

And, holy crap, three drummers! Say what you like about prog, but that's drumtastic.

Well last nights episode of SNW (uk) was a bit pants. A Star trek musical, hate musicals at the best of times. Almost as cringy as the musical Buffy episode.
Well last nights episode of SNW (uk) was a bit pants. A Star trek musical, hate musicals at the best of times. Almost as cringy as the musical Buffy episode.

well the difference beteen the SNW and Buffy musical is that the Buffy musical had some good memorable tunes the Trek one DIDN'T I cannot remmeber a single tune from StarTrek The Musical - A waste of time

Season 2 started off well then deteriorated to the point I skipped through the musical and didnt bother with the last eps of the season. So long Farwell Trek
To hear my adult youngest daughter laugh so heartily at Spock’s song was worth the price of admission.
I’m loving it, Picard was too dark. This is much more in the spirit of the original and in a dark dark world is just the antidote.

I thought the third season of Star Trek: Picard was undeniably the best, though I was left wondering why the Borg, which Agnes made all agreeable and co-operative at the end of the second season, had become cold, calculating and assilimatey again. But whatever you think of the season's strength as a story arc, its use of music was ace, particularly when Data was flying the ship into the Borg vessel.

I've also enjoyed Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, but I'm wondering why Captain Pike didn't built a makeshift diamond cannon out of an old bamboo tube jammed full of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur to combat the Gorn. Well either that or boxed the Gorn's ears. They hate that.

A quick plug for the model making of my 9 year old Grandson. This was Tweeted (X'ed) to my daughters friends and it gained enough hashtags to reach all the way to the show runners who liked it and shared it further :cool: His is the Cerritos non mass produced model :)
below decks model
Last night they showed "Turnabout Intruder", for which I turned the sound off and did other things. Which means tonight they'll start over with "The Man Trap".

Wow, a body-switching and a body-morphing episode back to back.

I kinda felt bad for both of the protagonists. All Janice Lester wanted was a ship of her own, and all Nancy Crater wanted was some salt. It’s a bit hard to believe that Starfleet didn’t have a spare ship somewhere or a shaker of salt no one would miss. Some episodes really stretch credulity.


Sure, or even one of those little salt packets you get at a fast food restaurant. You know the ones ... they are made of paper and have some salt inside that when you shake it out seems to all land on a single French fry.

How do fishies feel about the new Gorn? I have no problem with the Gorn being rebooted as vicious, cold-blooded crocodilian killers, but I wish the producers of Strange New Worlds had kept the stylish aprons.

How do fishies feel about the new Gorn? I have no problem with the Gorn being rebooted as vicious, cold-blooded crocodilian killers, but I wish the producers of Strange New Worlds had kept the stylish aprons.

Are you planning to merge this with the 'I hate Crocs' thread?
Not sure if this is Trek- or music-related content, but when did Commander Riker (drummer bloke on left) join King Crimson?

And, holy crap, three drummers! Say what you like about prog, but that's drumtastic.


That's Pat Mastelotto:


I suppose there's a little "separated at birth" going on there:


I like the part in "Starless" where Pat discovers that a wood block is less effective if you don't have a stick in your hand when the cue comes.

