
Squeezebox Touch->8200CDQ via USB?


pfm Member
Has anyone had success getting a Squeezebox Touch to work with an 8200CD or 8200CDQ via USB?

I read somewhere awhile back that someone had tried and was getting ticks/pops, I was thinking about trying it out but it looks a bit tricky so no sense wasting time if it's a no go.

Apparently some Asynch USB interfaces will not work with the Squeezebox Touch USB mod but I'm not sure if the Audiolab gear was on the list or not.

Any info is appreciated...

There was a very long thread in the slimdevices forum about this. John Swenson and a bunch of other capable guys (+ Soundcheck) were on the case, but so far they have not managed to solve the issues that you mention. Look here:

Perhaps there is a new Squeezebox Player in the pipeline (with 24/192 capable USB out?) as the SB Touch is now sold with a discount.

Best wishes,

