
'Spotless Pure Water' Filling stations for water.

I also live in Sussex and have been drinking the tap water all this time. Should I be worried?

Hard water is better than soft water health-wise.

There's a lot of conflation here between the desirable qualities of drinking water and non-drinking water. I imagine 'spotless water' is marketed for uses in which you don't want lime residue.
The 'Spotless Water" is aimed at the window cleaning trade - no need to squeege off as it leaves no marks as it dries. Good for final rinse on a car as well ;-)
Luckily, and this is a guess, our Norwich water is unchlorinated but most certainly hard, so good coffee and acceptable tea. Soft water is good for washing and less scaling up of appliances. Swings 'n' roundabouts, I s'pose but I'll take the hard stuff any time.. Besides, if you want soft, boil it, but you can't add those beneficial impurities (or can you? ) ;)
Luckily, and this is a guess, our Norwich water is unchlorinated but most certainly hard, so good coffee and acceptable tea. Soft water is good for washing and less scaling up of appliances. Swings 'n' roundabouts, I s'pose but I'll take the hard stuff any time.. Besides, if you want soft, boil it, but you can't add those beneficial impurities (or can you? ) ;)
It seems I’m not far from you!

The water in North Walsham definitely has chlorine as at times it's quite strong. We use a Brita and fridge filter and that helps a bit.

