
Spendor BC1

My experience is with SP1s not with BC1s, but if that's anything to go by, corners may not be a good idea.

Corners are not a good idea.
I pull my BC1s out into the room when using them.
That’s the reason I have a pair of BC1 stands with castors.
( The Spendor experts won’t like that idea at all...)
Is the Quad II really powerful enough to make a BC1 or BC2 fill a room with music? Is it worth spending £600 refurbishing a pair for this purpose, or are there better ways of getting power amplification for these for that sort of cash?
To be honest, even for the cost of refurbishment alone, there are heaps of great (and dare I say modern) amps for £600.
I do have both the Rogers Studio 1 and B&W DM4 and both perform beautifully till today.

Though I have never own the Spendor BC1, I do wish to add the Spendor BC1 to complete my collection.
I like the Harbeth/Spendor/ESL kind of sound and am looking to replace my ESLs with something that will fit and work in room corners in a room that won't be exclusively for stereo equipment.

If you want your speakers in the corners then you'll be looking for a pair of Audio Note Es.

