
Sound treatment

I have Martin Logans about 1m out from the wall, and my listening sofa is right up against the opposite wall. Recipe for disaster! All sorts of harsh zingy and tizzy stuff.

I now have acoustic panels hung behind the speakers and behind and to either side of the sofa. The transformation has been amazing. It hasn't just got rid of the nasties at the top end; it's also clarified the detail and soundstage. The amazing presence and realism of the MLs has got even better.

Thanks for the answer. I am going to see if I can try out the panels behind the speakers first and one on the back wall )Or 2) . I have already considered swapping speakers but I still love the sound of ELS speakers. This may be the end solution though. Just a note. I have had the speakers for nearly 10 years and up until house work I have been happy. The room width has not changed but the length has. I can't change the room so if the absorption doesn't work then it's a speaker swap.
Mark, the ELS speakers are wonderful and have served you well until now. The problem must be the room. Treating the room will be cheaper and more satisfying than changing the speakers.

