
Sonus Faber Concertino Homes seeking more excitement!

Thanks Lennyw.
Not had much joy with Naim demos.
I can see that on paper it should work as Naim's main strengths are what I was looking for, but I've found loss of detail and less control of (extended) bass, which I'm notg prepared to loose.
Sounds exciting and would have loved to explore.
Alas the purchase window was limited - it was taking over my life a tad too much and she who has to approve HiFi purchases was running out of patience.
Ideally would have looked into this, but life getting in the way meant stuck with more mainstream solutions.
Hi BertBrain,
Tricky to find.
My now sadly no longer existing trusty old HiFi shop though they were not quite as nimble.
As detail matters a lot to me it hasn't really registered as an option.
Perhaps wrongly?
Thanks hifinut, interesting idea.
Have tried admittedly much more basic main filter in the past and found it deteriorated things notably.
And have moved house with no discernible difference in SQ other than room associated.
So don't think dirty mains is the main issue here. Current house also 5 years old and David Wilson did a good job with the structural stuff, before they adapted to their new owner Barretts' practices...
Hi Obi1,
You might be interested to hear I went for a Scandinavian option in the end.
Bit more than I'd bargained for, but the Primare i32 makes a lovely combination and the total came surprisingly close to very substantial B&W and SF speakers I would love to eventually upgrade to once I can afford them (winning the lottery would help...).
Had come across Hegel before, but no dealer I could find within striking distance of Stoke on T.
Whaleblue & Wacko,

Certainly value your opinion, but for me sticking to the SFs has worked - they're now paired with a Primare i32 with the MM30 board on a nice ex-demo discount.
Works great and is a lot more involving.

To be honest, it appears my DAC held things back a bit as well as the MM30 turned out to be just as detailed and revealing and the i32/MM30 combo certainly got me toe-tapping again!
Thanks all mentioning valves:
Was tempted, but had to move reasonably rapidly before wife-approval window closed and because I could get a good deal on a Primare i32/MM30 ex-demo.
Works a treat for me, although a shame I wasn't able to compare with tube.
Hesitant to put too much faith into going tube route as I do like acoustic jazz, but also electric blues, pretty heavy rock and complex orchestral material.
Not sure how tube would cope across that perhaps ridiculously wide range - within a reasonable budget...

I'd still be tempted to try, but then again don't want to end up having second thoughts about a setup I'm now very happy with...
I used to have a pair of Concertino Domus - I believe they were the follow-up model to the Home - driven by a Creek 5350SE and they worked pretty well but ultimately the my room was a bit too big for them with the bass sounding too light on some recordings, so I switched to Harbeth C7s.

Note that I can't recommend a used 5350SE due to this: but perhaps some other MOSFET-based Creek amp would do the trick? They would all be used now because Creek ran out of stock of MOSFETs.
i have found that SF speakers work better with their original stands or at least stands with some heavy ironwork.

this makes them more focused and nimble
I agree BertBrain - have them on the matching stands.
Now found that Primare i32 with MM30 board makes a magic combo - apart from issue with headphone not wanting to play digi sources. Argh!
See other thread just started.
Really hope a solution can be found as I love the combination - but not sure I can be **sed to have separate headphone amps for analogue and digital sources... as well of course as needing to find the additional cash!

