
Something that may be of interest to Aqua La Scala users

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If you go back to my very first post you will find out, I don’t see the point of your post!

I was asking what your tube is ‘matched and balanced’ to, your first post dosent explain, normally this terminology is for when two or more tubes are used so that they are ‘matched’ together , as one on its own cant be matched to anything I was wondering what you meant?
I was asking what your tube is ‘matched and balanced’ to, your first post dosent explain, normally this terminology is for when two or more tubes are used so that they are ‘matched’ together , as one on its own cant be matched to anything I was wondering what you meant?
I was aware of how the valves worked when I did some tube rolling on
I’m sorry I think you’re playing the silly bugger and anyone who is interested in a single valve for this purpose will find out when they look to buy one. It is an option presented to the buyer and I as a valve newbie am not going to try to explain it, I’ll let others find that out for themselves.

From Watford Valves, Balanced -matched triode sections for Phase splitter, Audio & Tube microphones
I’m sorry I think you’re playing the silly bugger and anyone who is interested in a single valve for this purpose will find out when they look to buy one. It is an option presented to the buyer and I as a valve newbie am not going to try to explain it, I’ll let others find that out for themselves.

From Watford Valves, Balanced -matched triode sections for Phase splitter, Audio & Tube microphones

No, it was a simple question since you quoted it, I needed educating as I didn't know what it meant, and I still don't..

