
Solid state preamp recommendations

Using a Primare pre60 preamp and
Can you help with a link for Ali Express clones?
Best to log into Ali Express and do a search for the best price combining purchase price plus shipping.They are not big so shipping costs are usually pretty low.
I would be tempted to drop the valve DAC in favor of a less expensive solid state model, then use a tube preamp and/or amp if that’s the sound I wanted. The reasoning would be why do I need the DAC to add valve sound that the other sources don’t? Get the least colored sources you can and then add a consistent valve sound across all of them with a pre.
Many thanks
I bought mine from Weilliang Audio Official Store.They are one of the big traders there.I have also found Hi Fi Exquis to be good to deal with and apparently they have service backup.Make sure you select the right voltage for your location.
You can buy Chinese clones of the FM 115 preamp from Ali Express.They sound superb.For around 200 quid.The real things sell for about 20,000.The only SS preamp I have heard that comes close to very good modern 6SN7 valve preamps.
This is an interesting option - cheap enough to buy on spec as well - thanks 👍
@jtgofish I couldn't find the FM 115 for some reason, I'm sure I have seen it before but that is often the way with AE, I should know I've purchased stacks of stuff from there. 😁 The one I linked to does have RCA unbalanced inputs, you can also spend half a day clicking on all the items that may interest you as you keep scrolling down the pages. ;)
@jtgofish I couldn't find the FM 115 for some reason, I'm sure I have seen it before but that is often the way with AE, I should know I've purchased stacks of stuff from there. 😁 The one I linked to does have RCA unbalanced inputs, you can also spend half a day clicking on all the items that may interest you as you keep scrolling down the pages. ;)
Just google FM Acoustics FM155 preamp clones.Plenty come up for me.Price variation is ridiculous.It is like some sellers whack on a higher price and hope they get someone silly enough to pay it. You should pay no more than 180 pounds plus about 50 pounds shipping.Plus whatever VAT/GST and import duty your government charges.I am in Australia and that is what I paid.That was for a 230 volt version.
I saw that - seems crazily overpriced (Soundcraft are offering the Vibe brand new with free Pulse for £5k) - odd as his prices are usually very competitive - Emporium evidently had a Vibe + Pulse for £3.5k but seemingly someone bought the Pulse

Presumably you were impressed if you kept buying them - I think I've only ever re-purchased the same component once (a Modwright DAC) - 3 times is impressive!
yes i was impressed but the BC units offer 200 step volume control which for many CD`s is good , especially many orchestral or film soundtracks that require a bit of volume control and the remote is very important . the rubber rings around the volume control on the vibe are a bit basic possibly and they are getting old now

the primare pre 60 suggestion might be good too , judging by the superb cd35 i have now
Just google FM Acoustics FM155 preamp clones.Plenty come up for me.Price variation is ridiculous.It is like some sellers whack on a higher price and hope they get someone silly enough to pay it. You should pay no more than 180 pounds plus about 50 pounds shipping.Plus whatever VAT/GST and import duty your government charges.I am in Australia and that is what I paid.That was for a 230 volt version.
It was my mistake, typed in 115 instead of 155, anyway for anyone interested here's a link.
What power amp might you suggest that would be a good partner for this?
Sounds really good with a Dartzeel NHB 108 copy.But they seem to prefser genuine 8 ohm speakers.Does not sound as good with my Gale 401s or Dynaudio C5s which are difficult loads.I also have an FM 300A copy that is very good and less speaker fussy despite having less power.That will drive lower impedance speakers well.An obvious match there I suppose.Also worked well with my Cayin A88T valve amp but that is nowhere near the sound quality of the two Swiss copy amps.
If you have Tannoys the Dartzeel NHB copy /FM 155 copy combo sounds magic driving them.Also great with my Edgar horns.
cheap pre 3 vbs come up at 800 quid , great price for a great little pre amp which can be pimped with better psu .


