
Smartphone ban for under 14`s ?

That Independent article suggests St Albans council is taking a lead: not sure they count as "far right" as someone said above.

Current council profile:
  • Liberal Democrat – 47 Councillors
  • Conservative – 3 Councillors
  • Green – 3 Councillors
  • Labour – 2 Councillors
  • Independent – 1 Councillor
I think concerns about focus and attention span are understandable and justifiable, as are concerns about social media pressure in the sensitive, identity-finding young teenage years. A ban on mobile phone use (not possession) during school hours seems quite reasonable and can only help students' education. Anything outside school would be extremely difficult to justify and impossible to enforce.
At the other end of the age spectrum, I believe the incoming (surely!) Labour government may be considering a bill banning over-60s from using keyboards unless they can evidence that they have taken their Now-Be-Nice meds.
brick moby should be sufficient for a child
Can you buy a bus, tram or train ticket on a brick as my offspring had to?

What if you have accessibility needs which can only met by a smartphone e.g. navigation?

As has been noted elsewhere this week no phone equals no music for many too.
I think the concern is the effect of social media rather than internet access. It’s not banning phones, just smartphones.

Can’t remotely see it happening.

Cheers BB
I sincerely hope it doesn’t work. Smartphones are the primary information-sharing device of the modern era. Banning them is like burning books or other imposed state narratives. Just teach children to use them wisely and understand the technology, strengths and pitfalls.
This. If there's anything I can't abide it's kids being brought up out of time. Far better to bring them up to cope with modern life.
Its like the op is now posting as the Daily Mail or Express . Quite depressing . Whats next Fergies net curtains.
I remember when it was considered dangerous for kids staying at home reading books.

The problem, if you ask me, is grown ups going around town absorbed in that thing that looks like a slice of bread in front of them.
Its like the op is now posting as the Daily Mail or Express . Quite depressing . Whats next Fergies net curtains.
Not sure what those papers say just noticed the issue seems to be on the radio 4 today programme constantly . I am not aware of all the issues but a great many parents and knowledgable people seem concerned by it
What do you think as a parent Rug , its clearly a huge concern sometimes its on the radio every day with folks concerned

It‘s not the smartphones that are the problem, it’s the apps upon them. Tiktok, FB, Snapchat, their sole purpose is to get a child’s attention and hold it, so advertisers can get their ads in front of them.

Then there’s the apparent lack of restriction on what’s allowed through. they leave it to us (parents) to restrict what’s restricted and what isn’t. Those that aren’t tech savvy have problems with restricting the crap that gets through. Yes there are iPhone limits, but I have bought something called a Firewalla, which sits on my network and I can restrict what goes to each device on the network, I can restrict individual websites, as well as ports, at all times, or at specific times. So that is helpful.

Too much screen time for any of my children always results in either anger or a depressive, exhaustive state. So it has to be governed.

They (schools) don’t want to ban smartphones, they want to ban their use in the time they’ve been allocated to educate our young people. I totally agree with that. Anyone here tried homeschooling whilst at home during Covid with either a TV on in the background, or an iPad playing?? It’s impossible, their distraction is guaranteed.

whilst writing this, I have two kids in another room, one playing on a PS5, one building a castle on Roblox. when I’ve finished this post it’s my job to go and get them off their screens and outside instead… They would if left alone, pick up a screen rather than a ball and go outside and play, yes sadly that’s true, I think most would… The timing on the software is so well executed and timed to retain their attention that billions gets spent on development a year, and they are building a database of u10’s behaviour, from the time they pick up a device and demand a login.

if I could totally ban screentime on apps and social networking in my house, I would (and Firewalla has allowed me to do this). I think that a few generations of kids will be harmed incredibly by these devices. I was invited to the funeral of a 12 year old this week, … suicide. How ****ed up is that.
. I was invited to the funeral of a 12 year old this week, … suicide. How ****ed up is that.
That's incredibly sad :(

Young people with mental health problems is rife around here. We know one girl who's locked up in a secure unit, and has been for years. She keeps attempting suicide.
A boy over the road threatened to kill himself at school, so he's been at home for years. Doesn't talk to his mum, and made a makeshift tent in his room that he hides in. Only comes out at night to get food, then goes back to his room.
Another boy down the road doesn't go to school anymore. Iirc he also threatened suicide (not sure though), but I know he has serious problems because I've seen it for myself.
Nephew was having serious panic attacks every day. Luckily my sister is very proactive and they have money, so he's had private help and seems a lot better.
A woman I know spends most of her time in bed or taking cocaine. She's had a privileged life, and money from her father. Both her girls don't go to school, and one has attempted suicide at least once.

I only know a small group of people, so if this is anything to go by, it must be a massive problem.
^ Mental health is, as above shows, a huge issue. Under no circumstances whatsoever is Social Media a wholly positive thing, so plays no part in improving a child’s mental attitude or wellbeing In any part. This is what needs to be severely restricted and or banned.
whilst writing this, I have two kids in another room, one playing on a PS5, one building a castle on Roblox. when I’ve finished this post it’s my job to go and get them off their screens and outside instead… They would if left alone, pick up a screen rather than a ball and go outside and play, yes sadly that’s true, I think most would…
I understand why screen time is such a concern to parents. It's a big topic of discussion amongst family members with young kids.

I do wonder though if it depends a bit on the child. I was an geeky introverted child with two left feet. I hated sports. I loved reading, computers and later on music (obsessively).

That's just who I was - and largely still am today. I still need a space of my own where I can decompress, not have to deal with other people and can do the things that make me happy.

The difference is that my bedroom was a safe space. When I was bullied at school it didn't follow me home. I would hate to be a bullied child today where the internet and smartphones must make it seem unrelenting, permanent and inescapable.
It‘s not the smartphones that are the problem, it’s the apps upon them. Tiktok, FB, Snapchat, their sole purpose is to get a child’s attention and hold it, so advertisers can get their ads in front of them.

Then there’s the apparent lack of restriction on what’s allowed through. they leave it to us (parents) to restrict what’s restricted and what isn’t. Those that aren’t tech savvy have problems with restricting the crap that gets through. Yes there are iPhone limits, but I have bought something called a Firewalla, which sits on my network and I can restrict what goes to each device on the network, I can restrict individual websites, as well as ports, at all times, or at specific times. So that is helpful.

Too much screen time for any of my children always results in either anger or a depressive, exhaustive state. So it has to be governed.

They (schools) don’t want to ban smartphones, they want to ban their use in the time they’ve been allocated to educate our young people. I totally agree with that. Anyone here tried homeschooling whilst at home during Covid with either a TV on in the background, or an iPad playing?? It’s impossible, their distraction is guaranteed.

whilst writing this, I have two kids in another room, one playing on a PS5, one building a castle on Roblox. when I’ve finished this post it’s my job to go and get them off their screens and outside instead… They would if left alone, pick up a screen rather than a ball and go outside and play, yes sadly that’s true, I think most would… The timing on the software is so well executed and timed to retain their attention that billions gets spent on development a year, and they are building a database of u10’s behaviour, from the time they pick up a device and demand a login.

if I could totally ban screentime on apps and social networking in my house, I would (and Firewalla has allowed me to do this). I think that a few generations of kids will be harmed incredibly by these devices. I was invited to the funeral of a 12 year old this week, … suicide. How ****ed up is that.
Thanks Rug , good to have a parents view on this issue. utterly tragic re the 12 year ..
If 14-year-olds were not allowed to have smartphones how would they post about non-over sampling DACs on pink fish whilst on the can?

I don’t think the Tories have thought this through and it goes to show just how out of touch they are.

Not sure of the practicalities of it? When kids go to "big school" at 11, they can be a fair way from home, and phones can be deemed essential by some, for safety reasons?

Are kids any more unsafe than they were before the advent of cellphones?

The 'meedja' may suggest that they are, but I'm unsure whether the statistics would agree.

Just teach children to use them wisely and understand the technology, strengths and pitfalls.

A noble idea, but a pipe dream.

(..and please, don't anyone bother to accuse me of being an old fogey. I am an old fogey).


