
Small speakers for loft room

Get a pair of Tannoy Mercury speakers in good condition, Maybe £100 or so. Then, with the rest of your budget, try to find something significantly better. If you find it, sell on the Mercurys. If you don't, you have over £1000 to spend on something else.
Second hand baby ATC, either the 7 or the 11, (the 19 will likely be over budget), but sealed box design will work well as near field listening monitors.
Or as mentioned the LS3/5a, but these can get expensive.
Or the old Cura speakers are a good option.
I would avoid ATC SCM7 (or 11/19) on bookshelf or wall brackets, really not designed to work so close to the rear walls, same with my SCM10s, they really do like a little space, not multiple feet but still. The HTS7/11 would be a far better choice.
My new purchase, KEF Reference 102 (mk1) have excellent balance right up against the wall.
Ooh, just thought of another compact but high-quality wonder for the OP: Ruark Sabres

@stevied can speak to owning a pair very long term. I always found them really long-term enjoyable. Which is of course, the end goal.
A friend has Audio Note Ks in a small sloping roof loft, he had an old set which were great then the LX version which are better. They work surprisingly well and can be tucked into the corners, better close to the front wall than in the open. Ran them first with an Oto Sig and now has a Meishu Silver, they're perfectly comfortable in that company.
I always end up back with a pair of ProAc bookshelves and a REL sub in my study, going back to the 90’s. Tried all sorts, something about the ProAc sound sig suits my ears, like to try other makes every now and then just to see what’s out there. At work I have some Dali that are very nice and not expensive, with OP budget though I’d look for some nice Tablettes as Alun says.
Ha i have a pair of D2's and a sub in my main system downstairs.
I'm gonna try and listen to some tablettes and some dali menuet se for the loft.

