
Sir David Attenborough warns of climate 'crisis moment'


Absolutely retired!
And good for him - he is a voice which will be heard; whether or not he can precipitate action remains to be seen, but he can only help.
What he is saying is don't put things off any more. Real change has to happen now. It's interesting how many right wing governments from Trump to Australia and Brazil are against believing in climate change.
I'm beginning to wonder if it is more deliberate than we imagine. Not just bumbling, profit-driven inaction.
There are plenty of right wing 'think tanks' to ponder this stuff.
Who do you think will die first in a climate crisis ? Mostly poorer, non-white people...
Quite a few walls might be built fairly soon.
Doesn't need a conspiracy.
What he is saying is don't put things off any more. Real change has to happen now. It's interesting how many right wing governments from Trump to Australia and Brazil are against believing in climate change.
I don't think they really care..They are only interested in filling their pockets with obscene amounts of money and living for the time the shit does hit the fan in a major way..they'll all be dead and gone..
Good Evening All,

Does everything have to be left to governments? The case has already been made that wind turbines are being installed in the US despite Trump being less than 100% supportive.

It's no use everybody looking to somebody else to do something, every single one of us can and should/ must do something. Frankly I despair of a very large part of the population and that will probably include some who post on this forum.

For the record we run:-

1. a GSHP
2. a solar ET hot water system
3. a solar PV system + battery storage + Immersun
4. all our white goods are a minimum A+
5. we use an induction hob
6. we run a Renault ZOE (OK so we also have Skoda Fabia but certain aspects of our lives require a vehicle with great range)

My wife, youngest son and myself will be flying on holiday once this year BUT I have declared that this is the last year I will fly for leisure (flying to and from work goes with my employment).

I have also, most recently, imposed a one day a week meat free day on myself.


Good Evening All,

Does everything have to be left to governments? The case has already been made that wind turbines are being installed in the US despite Trump being less than 100% supportive.

It's no use everybody looking to somebody else to do something, every single one of us can and should/ must do something. Frankly I despair of a very large part of the population and that will probably include some who post on this forum.

For the record we run:-

1. a GSHP
2. a solar ET hot water system
3. a solar PV system + battery storage + Immersun
4. all our white goods are a minimum A+
5. we use an induction hob
6. we run a Renault ZOE (OK so we also have Skoda Fabia but certain aspects of our lives require a vehicle with great range)

My wife, youngest son and myself will be flying on holiday once this year BUT I have declared that this is the last year I will fly for leisure (flying to and from work goes with my employment).

I have also, most recently, imposed a one day a week meat free day on myself.


Nice idea Richard..however, the sheep need a shepherd..and as long there is still oil to be drawn from the other words, obscene amounts of money, what you propose will have an extremely slim and probably no chance of happening.
Richard, there's a lot of truth in what you write - folks demanding "they" do something, while driving a mile to the shops in their SUV to buy a ready meal.
However much of what you suggest is big $$$$$ (GSHP, solar PV+battery). The low hanging fruit is to reduce meat consumption, skip using the car when possible and fly less.
Just watch Richard Hammonds ‘Big’ series - the first one was about the VW factory that produces a car every sixteen seconds 24 hours a day, they have hundreds of trains a day leaving the site to clear space for more cars. Really does the planet need a new VW every sixteen seconds?

And that’s just one factory, there are thousands of them, they can never be switched off, the losses would be too huge to the world economy... It’s things like this that need to be addressed, moreso than whether I decide to cycle or take my Mini to the shops to buy milk.

I seriously hope that we do make huge changes to stop destroying our planet, but all we seem to want to do to fix it, is manufacture yet more stuff to ‘fix’ the problems.. These companies will meet their eco targets by planting trees, yet millions upon millions of tons of resources will still be used to keep the factory flowing.

Everything needs to change imo.
OK so we also have Skoda Fabia

Ah, snap! Don't have any of those other things; those I understand, at least, but maybe our large fr.-freezer is A+. Our boiler is 30 odd years old, terribly inefficient but utterly reliable, so why change? tried to get solar panels but G.B.(?) pulled the plug on feed-in tariffs.

However, we don't waste anything, our garden is a jungle out of growing season for wildlife reasons and we never go out for eating or entertainment or on holiday. My annual mileage is 2000. Not sure it's 'doing my bit'; just an economical way of life. Only use my valved kit twice a week, too, and unplug nasty w/wart trannies each evening.

Seriously, Sir David et al are right, but whereas the 'civilised' first world might just come together for a eureka moment and enact strict ecological measures, there's a lot of the globe left which won't have the stability of governance to prioritise climate change over political self-aggrandisement. Human kind does adapt, but having lived much of my life with the threat of nuclear oblivion, I do feel that the younger generations have a tougher fight on their hands this time around.
I don't think they really care..They are only interested in filling their pockets with obscene amounts of money and living for the time the shit does hit the fan in a major way..they'll all be dead and gone..
And in Hell. It’s well hot there.
I have no car, last flew [to Norway] four years ago, and then decided I could not justify flying and any other foreign travel would be by ferry. There are no ferry services to Norway now so that Norway might as well be China in terms of accessibility, and half my relatives live there.

I try to eat meat once a week, though I am not aiming for vegetarianism absolutely.

I burn no gas domestically, and limit heating to evening in my front room at a maximum [while the ambient is lower] of 18 degrees C.

I turn the water heater on half an hour before washing. ETC, etc.

It is futile, but it is up to everyone to absolutely minimise their consumption of fossil fuels.

I tend to think that the ten to twelve years that are said to be the time before the point of no return are already gone! We have in effect already passed the point of no return when the environmental feedback loop causes Nature itself to guarantee run-away global warming with methane release from the former Siberian perma-frost and Arctic seabed among others. Of course the burning of forests also releases a huge amount of CO2 ....

And Human made CO2 emissions [among other even nastier greenhouse gasses] are still increasing in spite of agreements for the need for them to not just be cut but cut rather quickly.

I was going to start this thread, but decided it was futile. I did think it was worth answering though.

So it could run alongside the threads about how to fry an egg, how to boil an egg and how those who wished to remain in the EU should celebrate on the 31st January. Among other pressing issues.

Happy New Year to all here. We shall not see many more before civilisation [or the order we call civilisation] collapses.

Best wishes from George
90,000 expected to attend the climate change conference in Glasgow later this year, that's one hell of a carbon footprint.
I've often wondered what Sir David's carbon footprint looks like.... I bet its freaking horrible.
It is getting toasty on Earth. I'd recommend cooling off with a freezie made from Arctic sea ice, but that region is warming the fastest.


What a profound change in a few human lifetimes, and most of that change has been in the last 40 years.

last night I watched "the age of stupid" a 2009 film/documentary showing earth in 2055 and it shows Australia on fire
Everybody should watch this
If I had stopped to think in my twenties & thirties about how the world looks now, I would not have had children. I don't like to think about what they are going to have deal with. Not having children might be sensible until humanity runs itself out. Life will survive, develop and change without us - and it might be something else entirely that crawls off this planet towards the stars one day.
If I has stopped to think in my twenties & thirties about how the world looks now, I would not have had children. I don't like to think about what they are going to have deal with. Not having children might be sensible until humanity runs itself out. Life will survoce, continue and develop and change without us and it might be something else entirely that crawls off this planet towards the stars one day.

It was in 1973 as an 11 year old, after a talk with an eminent biologist [Dr Arnold Darlington], that I decided never to have children. He said that I would be alright, but not my children. The scientists have known about the problem for a long time. I worked it out as a child nearly fifty years ago.

Best wishes from George

