
Single-ended Triode Discussion

Some of us are old, well if mid 60's is old, but I for one are not interested in compromising on sound quality, so your comments only relate to your circumstances and could be misleading to others. Anyone thinking a class D or T-amp sounds similar to a good SET amp needs to get their hearing checked out because the two technologies are at opposite ends of the high fidelity spectrum.
My comments do relate to my circumstance, as anyone’s might, to their own. I think that’s ok.
There’s nothing whatsoever ‘misleading’ in what I’ve said, as I have absolutely no agenda or intention to coerce or influence anyone.
Finally: I don’t think (I said) that ‘class D or T-amps sound similar to good SET’s’.
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There's no doubting that Class D is becoming increasingly popular. The one good Eigentakt Class D amp I heard in my system was not competitive with my SET and lasted about 10 minutes on a few music tracks. The amp that was most competitive with my SET amps was a SIT amp, and that was really, really good. This won't be a surprise to anyone who has heard or possessed a SIT.

