
Shelving/Rack for new house


We are building a new mid century modern style house. I would like to design a nice shelving system for my Luxman/SME rig.
Prices for even the modest racks has me running scarred.
Flooring is large ceramic tile on the slab. House construction is cement block.
i need a 2 level rack about 72” long
what is the best concept for this application.
A really thick heavy wood shelf. or will that create a dead sound? Or something lighter weight combined with other vibration controls.
I assume floor movement is not an issue but airborn vibrations will be unless I decouple the components?
many thanks for any and all help.
Thanks...yes I would really like to build myself...or more accurately have one of the very talented woodworkers here make it. So design ideas is exactly what I need. What is Taoc?
I was hoping that I could construct a nice heave shelf system and then use footers this is really in line with my goals.
Do you want an open rack or one with doors (my preference). There are loads of isolation devices on the market now which can be added to your shelves, and some inexpensive options. Here's a couple of possible style options, and there are plenty more on ebay.

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Thanks guys. I am definitely needing open shelves. I tried designing something with 2 levels but it would be over 6ft long and thus necessitate some very thick shelves or additional supports. I like the look of those ASR units. If money were not an issue I would get into something by Core Audio. I really love the look, materials and superb F&F. They look quite similar to Massif. But either will run over $5k........of course wont need expensive footers then. However nice they are I dont want a rack that looks like an equipment rack...So wood is my preference.
  • after a moment of thinking I would go with a ready made stand I’ve decided to get something built by a local craftsman. Will go with a heavy wood construction and tap into the basic design concepts that I have seen referenced here and elsewhere.
    question…would those FE Cerabases be good to use as the stand footers? Or should I use spikes or some other system.
Great that you are going with a local craftsman to build your stand. Since you already have the FE Cerabases it would be a shame not to use them. Are they able to take the weight of the stand and equipment that will be placed on there?

Just seen 80 - 1100lbs so you should be fine.

