
Russ Andrews' cables


pfm Member
Hi, I saw these cables and I was wondering: what does Russ Andrews do to Kimber cables exactly ?
In what terms are R.Andrews' cables differente from Kimber ?

thanks, ciao
I get the impression (and I've been in their premises) that they get the cable in bulk, and make their own terminations. There were at least four or five workstations with folk wielding soldering irons and such.

But don't ask us, ask them....
go to the horse's mouth on this, but i cannot see Kimber being happy with anyone buying their cable in bulk and then adulterating the cable in anyway apart from terminations
@formbypc: if I ask them about the 'sonic results', they will sure tell me all the best about their cables (and that's not unfair, it's their job and they are sure convinced so), but I'd like to hear your comments :)

@davidavdavid: I guess there's a commercial agreement between RA and Kimber, as I've read something about it written by Ray Kimber himself on an USA forum, under the proviso that RA cannot sell in USA. if I go wrong, I apologise.
I've seen Russ Andrews product line and there is so much competition in the market for what they stock/sell that the money necessary to differentiate and market themselves would be astronomical

As for Kimber Cable am guessing Russ Andrews is not satisfied re-selling Kimber Cable so the have to do some "magic" to substantiate their price list. Apart from the necessary VAT and custom duties, the cables should not be grossly more than that, if Russ Andrews is to make a reasonable profit.
I don't see no difference between what Russ Andrews does and some guy knocking up belden, Mogami, or whatever cables at home, re-terminating them, nice sheath, giving them a special name and selling them on for profit, so what, their are only handful of cable manufactures that actually make cables.
OK, you're right and I'll change my questions, as I realise it is not proposed in the right way.

Do you think there's an improvement or a difference in RA's cables withe respect to original Kimber ? In what terms ?

or, if you prefer: why should I buy RA's cables instead of Kimber ?
it's not a "rhetorical questions", nor controversial.
Russ is Kimber's UK distributor full-stop. The only way to buy Kimber in UK is through them, unless you grey import from another country. Careful with eBay stuff though - I bought a Powerkord and it ending up being fake.
Pretty sure its Goat blood, or chicken gizzards offered to one of the antideluvian goddesses.
Don't worry it's washed off afterwards and dried.
I think I mean whatever the Spellchecker corrects, antediluvian? Sometimes I miss the red underline thing but basically the old goddesses must be appeased before Kimber's cable leaves the hallowed halls of Russ' Valhalla, its necessary when items from the new world reach the shores of the old.

Oh and import duty. I expect Russ and Kimber's values it as alow as possible... Now that would be interesting to see....
I have bought just lengths of Kimber PJB from them and put my own plugs on it
Its very good cable IMO

I think I mean whatever the Spellchecker corrects, antediluvian? Sometimes I miss the red underline thing but basically the old goddesses must be appeased before Kimber's cable leaves the hallowed halls of Russ' Valhalla, its necessary when items from the new world reach the shores of the old.

Oh and import duty. I expect Russ and Kimber's values it as alow as possible... Now that would be interesting to see....

haha, spell checker certainly hails from after the great flood lol :)
Russ Andrews sells Kimber products,mainly interconnects and speaker cables. They sell mainly power products under their own brand.

Try not to be over influenced by some of the over the top personal comments by the know all foo merchants on here ,some of their power cords compare favourably with other brands.

Personally I use RA ring main cable which I purchased at a good price and Kimber bi-focal xl speaker cable,also a good product.
@formbypc: if I ask them about the 'sonic results', they will sure tell me all the best about their cables

... but you asked "what's different" about them in the OP, not whether or not they sounded different.

Are you interested in what's physically different between the Kimber product offered in the USA and other territories, compared to RA's, or whether one performs better over the other?
Do you think there's an improvement or a difference in RA's cables withe respect to original Kimber ? In what terms ?

or, if you prefer: why should I buy RA's cables instead of Kimber ?
it's not a "rhetorical questions", nor controversial.

I have neither the time nor inclination to go looking for comparable examples of both cables and compare them side-by-side, so - sorry, I have no opinion either way on your first question, since I haven't tried both. I envy the person who has the spare time for this exercise.

Why should you buy RA's? You get a 60-day trial period, which you may not get with buying Kimber from other sources. If you want to upgrade RA's, you can trade the old cable in against the new. RA may be cheaper with them being in the UK (assuming you're in the UK).
I used Kimber 8TC for years. They were given to me by a friend. They were excellent. Sold them when I bought my name.
... but you asked "what's different" about them in the OP, not whether or not they sounded different.

Are you interested in what's physically different between the Kimber product offered in the USA and other territories, compared to RA's, or whether one performs better over the other?

you may be right, I may have been not so clear, sorry.
anyway, I meant.... both :)

but, anyway, based on most answers, I guess there's not all that difference between RA and Kimber.

you may be right, I may have been not so clear, sorry.
anyway, I meant.... both :)

but, anyway, based on most answers, I guess there's not all that difference between RA and Kimber.


You cannot compare Russ Andrews own products with Kimber,RA sell Kimber products,they do not compete against them.

I suggest you phone them and ask for a catalogue,you will then understand the point that I am making.

