
Roksan TSM3 with Aro


pfm Member
Hi Folks,
Anyone has ever made an audition Roksan TSM3/Naim Aro/Prefix? Is it compatible with Naim Armageddon?

Thank you

I have seen pictures of teh TMS3 with the Naim Aro so it can be done. No reason why it wouldn’t work. The Prefix should work without a problem - you just need to find a way of mounting it. The Pre-fix was made to fit inside a LP12, no room for it inside a TMS3 but you could perhaps mount it under the plinth or behind it.

No idea of whether the Armageddon will work.

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I have seen pictures of teh TMS3 with the Naim Aro it can be done. No reason why it wouldn’t work. The Prefix should work without a problem - you just need to find a way of mounting it. The Pre-fix was made to fit inside a LP12, no room for it inside a TMS3 but you could perhaps mount it under the plinth or behind it.

Didn't Roksan use to sell a phono EQ stage to fit inside a Xerxes (Artaxerxes?)? Or is it just that the Prefix is bigger than the Roksan offering?

The Pre-fix is bigger and designed to be mounted with screws (or a screw) in one corner. The idea behind this is for it to be de-coupled from the plint.


