
RME DPS-2 linear power supply


pfm Member
In a somewhat surprising move, RME just announced a linear power supply for their DACs and audio interfaces, the DPS-2:

£999 list price from the UK distributor:

I had a glance and certain former members are scrambling to disparage it on certain other forums lest cognitive dissonance sets in.

It's a bit rich for me and I have other priorities at the moment but color me interested.
The Dacs were always designed to be, let's say, tolerant of external power supplies because that is what studios would have. I ran both of my previous RME dacs from linear power supplies but my 2/4 pro SE is specced at 3A I think and I didn't have enough juice from either of them. I see these are 2.5A output so that's probably enough. Presumably these are aimed at the hifi user and it does look to be too spendy but it's got some versatility...
Sounds like they are cashing in on the audiophile market spending habits.
They gotta eat ya know.

Naim did something similar with cables, once it was RadioSpares singles twisted together for speaker cables were once just fine, and mains cable for line level signal wires, now they offer something much nicer looking with a price to match.

