
RIP Bob Pease

Bob Pease sadly killed reportedly returning from Jim Willam's memorial


Two of the “Greats” in Analogue electronics have died recently.

Ironically I was presented a book by Bob Pease on safe driving – with a picture of his VW Beatle on the front cover. Bob Peases' Wife has been quoted as saying that she believes he might have suffered a heart attack or stroke while at the wheel of his beloved VW.

"Word has just filtered through Twitter that Bob Pease was killed in a car accident.

This one by the sounds of it:

In a sad twist of fate, it is reported that he was returning from Jim Willam's memorial.

A very sad week indeed."

RIP Bob Pease & Jim Willam's- Thank you both for your contributions to the art of analogue electronics!
i have his book 'troubleshooting analogue circuits' and he comes across as a lovely fella in his writing.

not afraid of making a rats nest either.

sorry to hear of his passing.
His troubleshooting book and columns in EDN were instructive and entertaining and link to another current thread on good books on electronics for the DIYer.

Had no idea he'd also written a book about avoiding car accidents, which is unfortunately ironic [ "How to Drive into Accidents - And How Not to (1998)" ]

