
Right-wing music fans that don’t understand the lyrics

I just couldn’t get excited about any music that concerned itself with trickle down wealth, the rate of profit and middle class aspiration.

This made me spit my tea out, very good. I am now trying to think about music that aligned and thought of Timbuk 3 - The futures so bright I've gotta wear shades but apparently it is about the nuclear holocaust.
This made me spit my tea out, very good. I am now trying to think about music that aligned and thought of Timbuk 3 - The futures so bright I've gotta wear shades but apparently it is about the nuclear holocaust.
And never overlook Fur Q’s contribution. Ok, maybe not specifically right wing, but I’m sure he’d go down a treat at a Trump rally. “You gotta kill people to respect people.”

Probably proves your point to be honest though Ian Curtin and Mark E Smith both voted

I’ll give Ian Curtis (and Gary Numan) a free pass here as they were very young, the country was in a mess, and the nightmare Thatcher was about to unleash was a total unknown in ‘79. IIRC Numan has retracted his past position. Curtis obviously never got the chance.

Mark E Smith is interesting, more a John Lydon-style contrarian, troll or shitposter as far as I can tell. I’d not necessarily take what either said to wind-up interviewers as an indication as to where they actually stuck their cross, if they even turned out. I remember seeing a late-period interview on C4 News with MES where he was obviously drunk, looked absolutely terrible, and was sounding disturbingly UKIP. No idea what to make of it, but it certainly didn’t fit with early Fall lyrics etc (not paid any attention to the later stuff as my collection fades-out around Bend Sinister).

PS FWIW I don’t blame anyone for voting for Thatcher in ‘79, though only monsters did by ‘83. Same with Cameron; the party might just have changed as it claimed. It was the next election that proved they were just the same old venal shit, and since then they have got exponentially worse and are now clearly far-right/fascist. Anyone voting Tory now in the face of 13 years of economic mismanagement, corruption and cruelty is clearly deranged IMHO. One’s vote should always be logic and evidence based and there is currently zero of either to justify a Tory vote.
Not necessarily, some decidedly upperclass people were remarkably good at describing the life of the underdogs. Janis Joplin comes to mind, some of the Stones, even the Beatles weren't working class apart from Ringo. Some French chansonniers of filthy rich upbringing were equally impressive at it.

You’re confusing later white practitioners of the music with its origins. Rock and Roll, Soul and R&B were all established forms that were later adopted by white kids, precisely because of its excitement and raw authenticity. And in the case of Elvis, The Beatles and Stones, some enormously accomplished pastiche was achieved.

ps. I’d have all the Beatles, other than Lennon, down as solidly working class.
If an artist has created something and a political entity subverts it for their own political/propaganda end I think the artist have every right to complain or ideally legally block that usage. The Heather Small/M People thing being a good case in point. The band oppose the Tory Party and in no way approved their art for that usage. I found it very funny as it highlighted just how far out of her depth Truss was before she even got to the stage. A premonition as to the catastrophe ahead.
I don’t disagree with any of that, I was not commenting on an artist’s right to their music and how it’s used politically; I was talking about how an individual enjoys and perceives music.
I don’t disagree with any of that, I was not commenting on an artist’s right to their music and how it’s used politically; I was talking about how an individual enjoys and perceives music.

That’s fair enough, and I remain a fan of Roxy Music despite detesting Bryan Ferry’s politics.

PS I’d happily vote for Brian Eno!
That’s fair enough, and I remain a fan of Roxy Music despite detesting Bryan Ferry’s politics.

PS I’d happily vote for Brian Eno!

Agree on Eno but have to say that the Countryside Alliance poster boy did put me off Roxy music permanently (didn't take much though)
Springsteen / Born In The USA kind of ?

The man (who I adore as a person as well as a musician) is somehow considered left wing. Maybe, but being the only singer arriving in a self-driven full-blown SUV at the recording session for ‘We Are The World’ is not exactly the most leftie thing to do.

Guess what - lefties don't have to be poor ... or even working class.
Equally, you don't have to be rich and privileged to support the Alt Right shit we have in power ...
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... even the Beatles weren't working class apart from Ringo.

Wrong again.

"Harrison was born at 12 Arnold Grove in Wavertree, Liverpool, on 25 February 1943.[5][nb 2] He was the youngest of four children of Harold Hargreaves (or Hargrove) Harrison (1909–1978) and Louise (née French;[10] 1911–1970). Harold was a bus conductor who had worked as a ship's steward on the White Star Line,[11] and Louise was a shop assistant of Irish Catholic descent.[6] "

Lennon came from a dysfunctional family and was brought up by an aunt.
McCartney's mum was a midwife:
"The growing family was rehoused at a flat in Knowsley in 1944 and then in a council housing development in Speke in 1946. After the war, Jim returned to his job at the cotton merchants with a reduced income. Mary's work as a visiting midwifewas much more remunerative."

Hardly resounding M/C credentials.
I remember when Tony Blair tried to claim he was a Clash fan. Maybe Tony had really convinced himself that ‘Working For The Clampdown’ was a satire on the closed shop, or ‘Career Opportunities’ was penned in gratitude for the existence of Job Centres. Boris Johnson too pretended to like The Clash- even though the Clash despised everything Blair and Johnson stand for.

Ex-Chancellor Of The Exchequer Kenneth Clarke used to have a jazz show on Radio 4. I remember him prefacing a Charles Mingus record with his great admiration for Mingus as an articulate proponent of civil rights. I remember thinking how can you say that and at the same time be a Tory? To love music of liberation while subscribing to a politics that has racism and inequality baked into its philosophy. I suppose there’s a fair bit of cognitive dissonance occurring when Tories listen to jazz, punk and rock and roll.
How does a band despising a person stop that person liking the bands music?
It doesn’t. But it’s a weird sort of masochism to listen to the music of a band that you know detests your worldview. It would be a bit like me declaring love for the music of Ted Nugent.
This is a brilliant thread.

Although I'm not convinced about the Beatles type analogy of being born working class makes you working class.

My mum, god bless her, was very middle class. Conservative councillor, committees, antiques collection, Afghan Hound etc.

But her mother worked in a glue factory after having left school for maid service at 14.

You are what you want to be to some extent.
Although I'm not convinced about the Beatles type analogy of being born working class makes you working class.

Of course not ... but the opposite is equally nonsense (ie. if you are born rich and entitled you will always be a knob end)

Having said that, If you have experienced living in a working class environment when growing up there is at least some likelihood that you have a glimmer of understanding of what that involves and may exhibit more empathy towards those living at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder as a permanent condition.

Eating avocado on toast (or even quinoa) doesn't preclude you from appreciating where Rage Against the Machine are coming from.....;)
I had the same thought, but do his lyrics promote Germanic supremacy? Or is it all stuff about boy-meets-girl etc?
From what little I know, and having once sat through "Meistersinger," there is a quite a bit of "belonging to the Volk rooted in the land" and lots of Germanic mythology, a celebration of descent from an ancient race of heroes. But I may be wrong and I'm sure others know more about it than me.
I've been going to Sleaford Mods gigs for many years, there was a moment when they seem to gather a bit of a skinhead/BNP crowd, not many but at Hammersmith Odeon there was quite a bunch causing a bit of mild aggro at the back. At the last gig there was no sign, so hopefully it was short lived. To be fair some of their earlier stuff was a bit ambiguous lyrically, I remember googling them trying to make sure I wasn't getting into some kind of rightwing mayhem, but as it turns out Jason seems to be one of the few frontmen with anything interesting to say on modern Britain. Shame they don't seem to have crossed over into the uk rap scene, Sleafrod Mods lyrical delivery is right up with the best imo.
I couldn't believe Trump used "keep on rockin in the free world" as his walk-on music.

They cannot surely be that dense to not know that it is a satirical line from a song that is unambiguous about the negative effects of capitalism in the USA?

Did no-one in his camp think to mention it to him?

