
Richer Sounds founder bankrolls push to end zero-hours contracts

Diamond geezer. Didn't I read somewhere to when he goes he's going to give the company to the workers a la John Lewis?
Wow, good man. I know people that have zero hour contracts, no guarantee of a full weeks work, sick pay or payed holiday. Awful.
Good for him. While they are at it they should work to get rid of Sunday trading and shops being open to ten at night. While we all enjoy the convenience of being able to buy groceries late at night, the people who work in shops deserve a life.
It suits some people to work weekends and evenings - myself included.
My brother worked for them many years ago. They had a wrong’un as a branch manager for a while who, it transpired, was fiddling the till so he got the staff sales bonuses rather than it going to the staff. When it was discovered he was obviously sacked. The nice bit was that JR did a 500 mile round trip to apologise to the affected branch staff in person. Not many CEO’s would do that for 6 or 7 relatively junior employees.
Wow, good man. I know people that have zero hour contracts, no guarantee of a full weeks work, sick pay or payed holiday. Awful.
You do get paid holiday on a zero hours contract, it’s calculated on your average hours worked in a given period, so if you worked an average of 20 hours a week over a year, you would get paid 20 hours for every week of holiday (which is 5.6 iirc). It is illegal for employers to deny workers this, it is accrued pay, they have earned it.

Now I know for a fact that some unscrupulous employers will try and cheat their employees of holiday pay, I’ve been there with an agency, I won, quite easily, sending them a carefully worded letter written by my mother (who has a degree in law). My ex’s employer tried it too, he also promptly paid after receiving his letter... and another one that sticks in my mind was a friend who worked for a (relatively large at the time) hotel chain, this lady had averaged 35 hours a week, she rightly expected holiday pay and had a nasty surprise when she didn’t get paid... her manager tried to fob her off. She stood her ground and also got paid promptly after a call to HR to explain the situation. I dread to think how many people just accept it as normal though and forgo their holiday pay.
With the changes to IR35 in April the number of zero hours contracts may sky rocket as several industries struggle to find a way to retain its resource.

