

I have to say that, as a child and then a teenager, anyone over the age of 40 seemed ancient anyway. Certainly I thought my form teacher in the top year at primary school was 65 at least when he taught me. Imagine my surprise when I found out he'd also taught my nephew, 20 years my junior!
My primary head teacher had taught my father. His ( the teacher) favourite technique for physical chastisement was standing a boy in front of a wall then chapping the victim’s forehead as you would a door so that the head then struck the wall behind it. I kid you not.
Bloss, it knocked resentment and anger into them. I still feel angry thinking about it now. He’d go to jail these days.
I would like to retire but need some good financial advice to plan the next 5 or so years before that happens. Is there anyone here who has received good planning and if so where from please ?

Bloss, it knocked resentment and anger into them. I still feel angry thinking about it now. He’d go to jail these days.

My brother's teacher, back in the late 40's, early 50's, stuck a darning needle in his hand numerous times all because he was unable to tie his shoelaces.
My mum, not usually a complainer, did on this occasion and the teacher was dismissed.

My primary head teacher had taught my father. His ( the teacher) favourite technique for physical chastisement was standing a boy in front of a wall then chapping the victim’s forehead as you would a door so that the head then struck the wall behind it. I kid you not.

This particular teacher flew into rages, and would grab anyone unfortunate enough and hurl them round the room, after giving them a good shaking. To be fair, the same treatment was meted out to boys and girls on a reasonably equal basis. Of course, children were skinnier in those days and easier to throw.
This particular teacher flew into rages, and would grab anyone unfortunate enough and hurl them round the room, after giving them a good shaking. To be fair, the same treatment was meted out to boys and girls on a reasonably equal basis. Of course, children were skinnier in those days and easier to throw.
We had a maths teacher like that in first year secondary. He was actually a fine, upstanding Christian gentleman - until he lost his temper and then he went totally berserk. I still have a vivid memory of him, literally purple with rage, holding a kid over a desk and hitting him and hitting him and hitting him with a cane, the kid squealing with pain and terror and we little 11 year-olds cowering with fright, hoping desperately that the malevolent gaze wouldn't fall on us next. What the kid did to deserve this I cannot remember, but that kind of hammering most certainly wasn't merited. One started to wonder whether summary execution was permissible and where they put the bodies. Thankfully, some things have improved.
Things were rough in my day, too. I was sent to the principal's office, after which I was summarily held for a week's detention, for accidentally farting during Grade 5 French class.

Seriously, who hasn't accidentally farted during Grade 5 French class? He that is without farts among you, let him pass the first gas in Grade 5 French class.

46, always planned to retire at 60, but the amount Id lose looks really punitive at the moment. Everything was set up for that, but the kicking my career took due to the changes in the last seven years have pretty much ruled that out. My areas of specialism seem to have been pretty much the ones unloved by the present administration.

We need Mick to come along and tell you that it's your own fault etc... :D
We need Mick to come along and tell you that it's your own fault etc... :D

To be fair the niche I’ve carved out for myself couldn’t be much more pleasant. There’s just the constant worry that cuts will render me unemployed or underpaid again...
Things were rough in my day, too. I was sent to the principal's office, after which I was summarily held for a week's detention, for accidentally farting during Grade 5 French class.

Seriously, who hasn't accidentally farted during Grade 5 French class? He that is without farts among you, let him pass the first gas in Grade 5 French class.


Yebbut detention's such a girly punishment. In Mrs H's school, they had things called 'demerits', which were basically black marks against your name. Compare that to being walloped with a leather strap by a psychotic Irishman. I think you'll agree that demerits, detentions, and being spoken to sarcastically pale into insignificance.
Things were rough in my day, too. I was sent to the principal's office, after which I was summarily held for a week's detention, for accidentally farting during Grade 5 French class.

Seriously, who hasn't accidentally farted during Grade 5 French class? He that is without farts among you, let him pass the first gas in Grade 5 French class.


mine was quite rough too... but then I was working with a belgium guy some years ago and one of his teachers cars got burnt out at school by some angry pupil..!

my school hardly compares...

I did time for farting — accidentally — in Grade 5 French class. It was an 'arshe sentence considering the crime I committed.


I did time for farting — accidentally — in Grade 5 French class. It was an 'arshe sentence considering the crime I committed.

Ah but did you let it out politely rather than playing the cucaracha? One is an accident the other blatant misbehaviour.



I had a bean soup for lunch and it began to do its magic that afternoon. French class was the last one of the day. The pressure was building but I kept it under control... until my friend Larry made a goofy face that caused me to laugh and subsequently lose sphincter control. Then a fart of epic sound and fury emanated, which resulted in my being sent to the principal's office and, subsequently, my being given a detention.

I didn't "let" the fart out. The fart overpowered my steely resolve. There's a difference.

That incident reminds me of one from my primary school days. The class was assembled to watch the solemn ceremony of the Queen unveiling a plaque to JFK at Runnymede. As HM bent down to unveil the monument, I whispered to my neighbour 'Imagine if a wasp stung her on the bum'. He burst out laughing, and was dragged off for summary punishment, whilst my poker face and innocent expression meant that my role remained unrevealed. (If Philip Walsh is reading this, I apologise belatedly and unconditionally for landing you in the soup fifty-three years ago).

I had a bean soup for lunch and it began to do its magic that afternoon. French class was the last one of the day. The pressure was building but I kept it under control... until my friend Larry made a goofy face that caused me to laugh and subsequently lose sphincter control. Then a fart of epic sound and fury emanated, which resulted in my being sent to the principal's office and, subsequently, my being given a detention.

I didn't "let" the fart out. The fart overpowered my steely resolve. There's a difference.


Joe, with you around, who needs whoopee cushions?


