
Retailer blues

no ... I don't really understand your point?

he has over 5000 posts .... all his posts have his business address ... he posts on THE busiest hifi forum in the UK .... his posts are read by thousands daily ... he is polite ... he is helful ... he posts during working hours

not only does he tout new gear, he also often recomends vintage gear (which he does not stock)

where I come from, that is called 'very clever marketing', and I am sure his boss is very happy with the sales generated from his 'helpfulness'

or are you planning on 'grassing' him to his boss because he goes on the internet during office hrs?

Jeez. Chill out. I am not arguing with you. I agree with every point you make. You don't seem to be getting my point though. I was just speculating that while he is being all the traits that you mention above he may be missing out on replying to actual customers who trying to email him. I agree he is helpful and everything you say. But in the context of the OP stating that emails are not replied then I think my point is clear. Perhaps if he wasn't forum surfing and being helpful to others then he should pay more attention to customers.

It was only supposed to be a little musing, a thought, a speculation but thanks to you I am now repeating myself.

I agree that it is good marketing and perhaps the time he spends on forums outweighs the loss of customers.
no ... I don't really understand your point?

he has over 5000 posts .... all his posts have his business address ... he posts on THE busiest hifi forum in the UK .... his posts are read by thousands daily ... he is polite ... he is helful ... he posts during working hours

not only does he tout new gear, he also often recomends vintage gear (which he does not stock)

where I come from, that is called 'very clever marketing', and I am sure his boss is very happy with the sales generated from his 'helpfulness'

or are you planning on 'grassing' him to his boss because he goes on the internet during office hrs?


I thought this was the busiest forum, that's why I come here.

Is there a busier one, if so who is it ?


Jeez. Chill out. I am not arguing with you. I agree with every point you make. You don't seem to be getting my point though. I was just speculating that while he is being all the traits that you mention above he may be missing out on replying to actual customers who trying to email him. I agree he is helpful and everything you say. But in the context of the OP stating that emails are not replied then I think my point is clear. Perhaps if he wasn't forum surfing and being helpful to others then he should pay more attention to customers.

It was only supposed to be a little musing, a thought, a speculation but thanks to you I am now repeating myself.

I agree that it is good marketing and perhaps the time he spends on forums outweighs the loss of customers.

I know ... just winding you a bit

but just wanted to also say that David is a top bloke .... I always read his posts carefully and with interest
Mick ... just winding you .... (it's .... I think they are fairly new, so not many posters there yet)

I think WHFI (what hifi) is the busiest but I stand to be corrected

sometimes Wigwam 'looks' busy, but its always the same 6 people posting out of boredom and arguing amonst themselves over petty things .... or they 'pounce' onto someone who posts there for the 1st time, call him a cnut and rip him apart like a pack of hyenas
Mick ... just winding you .... (it's .... I think they are fairly new, so not many posters there yet)

I think WHFI (what hifi) is the busiest but I stand to be corrected

sometimes Wigwam 'looks' busy, but its always the same 6 people posting out of boredom and arguing amonst themselves over petty things .... or they 'pounce' onto someone who posts there for the 1st time, call him a cnut and rip him apart like a pack of hyenas

If you cant say something sensible, why bother.
Anyone used this retailer -- ? He has great prices but I cannot get quote from him and he has stopped replying to my emails .


I've used them twice in the last 6 weeks or so. On both occasions everything went fine. Before my second purchase I sent an email asking a few questions about the product I was thinking of buying and got a polite and helpful answer from someone called Lee the next working day.

I'm very happy with the products and service I received and what's more they were the cheapest I found for those items. On that basis I'd have no hesitation in recommending them.

By the way, just in case anyone's wondering, I have no connection with them whatsoever other than as a customer for those purchases.

Maybe you got them on a bad day or maybe I got them on a couple of good ones! Either way, I hope this helps.


hifix have been pretty prompt with sales enquiries and returning of a cd player for what its worth. Spam filtering is a possibility.
I bought a Rega cartridge from them a couple of years ago and it sounded crap. Complained and received another, which also sounded crap and finally convinced me that these MM cartridges just aren't good enough.
Then got a refund.
So no complaints here.
I bought a Rega cartridge from them a couple of years ago and it sounded crap. Complained and received another, which also sounded crap and finally convinced me that these MM cartridges just aren't good enough.
Then got a refund.
So no complaints here.
Odd. Perhaps you didn't know how to set it up (joke)?

Which Rega was it?
Newbie here. Less so on AVForums and Wigwam. So expect to be flamed. But the negativity here for Frank Harvey/HiFix is absurd. They are a 'hybrid' dealer so do an awful lot of internet trade but also keep a fine showroom. I've bought a lot of stuff from them since 2007, when I moved to the area (AV receivers; cables; speakers; CD players). Some stuff over internet; other stuff over phone; and other stuff after demos in the shop in Coventry. Always had excellent service. These guys are normal human beings and hence have good days and bad days. God knows I've come up with some stupid ideas and requests myself; and generally been irritating in my pursuit of bargains. But the customer service is excellent; and the range of products very wide. Their turntable choice is quite limited, so they have less business from me than they might otherwise, but hard to fault on the AV side. Buy with confidence.
My problems was a delay of 3 days before replying to my first email . Then when I need the cost of delivery to Australia it took 8 days to get a reply . By that time I felt that he probably didn't want to go to the bother and it was all just too hard , so I started ooking elsewhere and have found a much better solution for my turntable woes .
Newbie here. Less so on AVForums and Wigwam. So expect to be flamed. But the negativity here for Frank Harvey/HiFix is absurd.

Bit dramatic. I would say there is very little negativity here. In fact the consensus seems to agree the service is great and is a reputable dealer.
Indeed but from my angle seeing his 5,558 posts on the other forum directed at people who will not buy from his store and want general advice he will come across as a nice guy. Hats off to him for helping people. I agree, helpful, useful BUT ultimately the time spent reading and writing over 5.5k posts "appear" to affect his in-house customer relations. Only speculating of course but you see the point I am making.

edit: incidentally these posts are made during working hours.
Not convinced. They use the WHF forum to sell - FH generally recommend equipment that they own.

It's also funny how the "isn't FH wonderful" threads keep turning up.

Not knocking the shop or his practices on the forum, which is precisely what I'd do were I in the HiFi business, but you'd have to be dim (sic) if you think he's there for reasons unconnected with selling.
I've bought stuff from Hifix in the past and they've been fine.

I do increasingly agree, though, in general that some of these retailers are pretty hopeless. However, I don't think it's just hifi - I recently, after several months of faffing (!), decided which DSLR to buy and popped into a very well-known camera shop to have a look. The salesman spent the next 10 minutes trying to persuade me to buy something else that I really didn't want. Obviously they know best....
I really do have a problem with people who complain about dealers who do not want to waste their time doing email.

The first dealer I came across who doesn't witter on about how marvellous their stuff is and who doesn't spend time on emails was ESP audio of Australia. This guy runs a huge website with lots of free info and a websearch will find lots of supporters. he markets world wide and reasonably doesn't want to spend time talking to keyboard wizards.

I read his site and the reviews and bought some stuff and it does exactly what it say on the web site. I am not a big buddy of Rod elliott but I have benefited greatly from his efforts. I would rather he get on with productive stuff than deal with daft emails from idiots like me. he does not cause any stress to audio dealers in my view.

On the other hand their are people who reply to every feckin' rattle of their box. This lot drive me daft. I have tried to ask questions of two of these companies and the truth is they don't actually reply to emails and other attempts to contact their great brains, they pedal their rubbish in spite of attempts to talk to them. i don't want to cause stress by naming them, but any reasonably intelligent person could come to the same opinion as me.

If you don't like a particular company's communication policy then use someone else. You will never recover a good relationship by asking other people's opinion. It's really that simple.

My boycott list includes one national cable supplier, and two small national manufacturers. I have also had to boycott certain products of one other national manufacturer. I also boycott one DIY supplier.

