
Resonessence Labs INVICTA - move over Weiss DAC202U, theres a new king in town!

Finally got both the Wiess DAC202u, and Resonessence Labs INVICTA back to back.

It didn’t last very long at all, in fact about 2 hours and there was a clear winner - the INVICTA is staying put. The Weiss DAC202u is heading back to the dealer. There really is no competition.

To put a bit of context to the following, my history with active speakers and DAC/pres I’ve owned has been:

ATC SCM50ASL’s - Lavry DA11
ADAM Audio Tensor Deltas – Lavry DA11
ATC SCM25A Pros – Antelope Audio Zodiac Gold/Voltikus
ATC SCM25A Pros – Weiss DAC202u (on dem)

Listening to Ane Brun. An album called 'Sketches'. You should hear the vocal works on this - a stunning recording. The Weiss couldn't extract the best out of it. In fact it just couldn't handle this album at all. It became all thick and confused; overly rich and warm. 'Changes of the Seasons', track 6, has Ane's voice, a guitar and some backing vocals in what now sounds like a open space where you can hear the rooms acoustics of where it was recorded. This has never been extracted from the recording before and I've had the album for years. The timbre and decay of instruments is just soo right. The transients also appear to be limitless at both ends of the spectrum. Bass depth and speed is stunning. Yet it manages to do all this with and even, calm presentation portraying the relaxed Scandinavian tone she does so well.

The next album that put a smile on my face was 'Live at the Royal Albert Hall' (by Adele) This is a superb live recording, one I’ve played quite often, my wife and I both like to listen to this together. This has previously been played through 3 different hi-end systems. Again I can hear the ambience of Albert Hall which in the past, hasn’t been portrayed in such a vivid manor. I know this place well, I studied there.

Listening to track 14, ‘I can’t make You Love Me’ I can hear an ever so slight echo of her voice within the room. Even the faint audience shuffles and noises are captured and put into the correct context of the performance. There’s and uncanny resemblance to being there, it’s as the cliché goes; close your eyes and the performance is right in front of you. This wasn’t there with the Weiss or the Antelope, which both were almost like a flat plane with little depth or soundstage. Maybe they didn’t work well with the ATC SCM25A’s I’m not sure, but even things like the distance between the mic and her mouth were masked. With the INVICTA you get a sense of her moving back and forth from the mic, sometimes coming too close where you can almost detect contact.

At the other end of my music collection I have artists such as Chris Clark, Actress, Alvo Noto Squarepusher, etc..... Next albums I listen too were ‘Iradelphic’ by Chris Clark and ‘Ufabulum’ by Squarepusher; both are masterpiece of the Electronica. These are the two latest albums from both and I’ve had them playing on a regular basis for a fair few weeks now. Again, the same results; Detail, texture and soundstage that just wasn’t there before, has now suddenly become a part of the music. It’s not as if it’s an addition in a detached form, more as if the music has gained a new focus, sounding much more composed and complete.

As you may know I’ve recently had the Antelope Zodiac Gold and Voltikus, which broke twice and is why i started looking for a new DAC (again). The Weiss DAC202U absolutely floored the Zodiac and again the INVICTA has jumped leaps and bounds ahead of the Weiss.

It’s been a long and rather expensive journey but my system now produces a sound quality I've only ever wished for before. Job done! Thank you ATC and Resonessence Labs :)
I wouldn't know, never owned one. But i trust a few people on here who've had it and moved on rather sharpish.
The INVICTA is more than just a DAC/pre though its actually a complete system and can play from its own memory card or USB.
Will also soon have DSD and FLAC codecs added via the next firmware update:
Well I owned 50's for a year, (before we moved house) so never had 50's and 25's in the same room, but IMHO the 25's are better at lower volume. Other than that the 50's are every bit as good. I prefer the 25's over the 50's though, they feel and sound much more alive at domestic listening levels but can also award you an ASBO should you wish :)
This information is very valueable for me as some or maybe most (maybe 75%) of listening takes place during moderate listening levels

Less bas vs low listening level, I might prefer the latter as long as ASBO can be achieved
Were you comparing the USb inputs on both?

Try the Firewire on the Weiss if you can, it's certainly better than the spdif inputs.
Hi, Yes both were via USB. Weiss claim the USB to measure exactly the same as FireWire, I don't have any means of using FireWire.
I borrowed the Invicta for a week a while back - best DAC I have ever had in my system, and a pretty good HP amp too. Sad to see it go back, alas i didn't buy it. Why? Too expensive for an unknown brand - with resale maybe at a later date on my mind.
£3.5k (maybe £3k with haggling) is too much for this when a Grace M903 is £2k for example and the new Sennheiser DAC/HP amp is under also a lot less.
I also found it a bit clumsy to use - its not intuitive.
Having said that though, the DAC on the Invicta is pretty special and blew away anything I have had in my system - but given that im vinyl 80% of the time, I cant justify that kind of money on a DAC.

I'm sure 90% of people who listen to it will love it, but it would take a brave soul to buy it in preference to a Weiss, which is a recognised brand and is easy to sell on should the need arise.

I salute you on your purchase though with a wry nod of appreciation for a absolutely fab bit of kit!
I see it like this; it’s easily the best DAC i've heard too. It has 3 years warranty, is built like a tank (honestly, its bomb proof), designed by a Yorkshire man, build by Canadians. Has full manufacturer support where you get to talk to the design team and has a fully programmable feature set - what’s not to like!

Fair enough, they're a new-ish company which began in 2009 IIRC, but they are by no means a small outfit. Even Weiss only employ 9 people. Resonessence Labs just need to put themselves about a bit more. They also have a whole line up of new products they working on so they are set to shake things up a little. Reminds me very much of when Bryston first became a discerning brand name way back.

It really is a cracking bit of kit; I don’t have any issues with the user interface. In fact I’ve not read the instructions which came with it yet but then again I never doo, unless I can’t work something out. The only Instruction I've read (from their website) is how to install the USB2.0 driver. :)

Also, if you look at the build and design quality, you'll see an all out top notch attempt with no corners cut, case work cheapened or any scrimping and saving. For the money and relative to its peers, it’s a bargain!. The Build quality alone puts every other DAC I’ve owned, tried or demoed to shame.
New king in town is April Music Eximus DP1 (trust Srajan Ebaen :). DP1 is cheaper and more sweet!

«the DP1's very minor softness mentioned via the Invicta is really sweetness. Warmth diminishes resolution, sweetness does not. This clarifies a core accomplishment of the Eximus. Its circuit achieves 'analogue comfort'—generosity, rich colors, fleshy robustness—and 'digital resolution'.»
Not really a fair comparison as the Weiss is designed for firewire.
I have a 202 and heard a very clear advantage using firewire over usb even on a dac2.
Not really a fair comparison as the Weiss is designed for firewire.
I have a 202 and heard a very clear advantage using firewire over usb even on a dac2.

It is a completely fair comparison. The DAC202u is the new USB version, which Weiss claim is 100% as good as FireWire.

Muzzer, here to stay; believe me!!

