
Replacements for Linn Sara??

I have Shahinian Arcs and Saras and with the right amp both sound amazing.

If you like Saras find a pair, cheaper than paying for a second hand pair of Arcs and you get the same musical enjoyment out of both, just don't use the Linn stands, use Atacama ones :)
I have Shahinian Arcs and Saras and with the right amp both sound amazing.

If you like Saras find a pair, cheaper than paying for a second hand pair of Arcs and you get the same musical enjoyment out of both, just don't use the Linn stands, use Atacama ones :)

The OP is in the US and he has a lot more chance of picking up s/h Shahinian than Linn. Hence the recommendation. I also had Saras and sold them to popeye who tarted them up and sold them on at a profit but now has gone back to Saras. I have gone the Shahinian route and its way better than Linn. You do need good amps btw and Naim didn't cut the mustard for me.


The OP is in the US and he has a lot more chance of picking up s/h Shahinian than Linn. Hence the recommendation. I also had Saras and sold them to popeye who tarted them up and sold them on at a profit but now has gone back to Saras. I have gone the Shahinian route and its way better than Linn. You do need good amps btw and Naim didn't cut the mustard for me.

Shahinians are pretty rare even here in their homeland. I see more discussion of them on UK audio boards than on US ones.
Hi DV.

Just as a point of fact, I had the SARAs for a few years before I sold them! No tarting up, just as you sold them to me.
Just happened they were worth more!
Currently they are not flavour of the month so quite cheap to buy.


The OP is in the US and he has a lot more chance of picking up s/h Shahinian than Linn. Hence the recommendation. I also had Saras and sold them to popeye who tarted them up and sold them on at a profit but now has gone back to Saras. I have gone the Shahinian route and its way better than Linn. You do need good amps btw and Naim didn't cut the mustard for me.


If I may resurrect this old thread…..

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare Neat Iota Alphas to the Sara 9?
OK- so I deeply regret selling my last pair of Linn Saras. They were the most visceral sounding loudspeaker -
. Any suggestions? Thanks!

I went from Saras to Kabers to briks and back to Kabers. Really worth a try given they are so cheap.

If you never had Kaber, I am seconding that you should give them a try. I too lived with both Sara 9 and Kaber for a while and eventually sold the Sara. I’m my case it was because I had moved to a new house and in the new listening room the Kaber are a better match. Worst case if you do not like the Kaber it will buy you some time to find an other pair of Sara.

