
Repair of Yamaha Keyboard (CVP-35)


pfm Member
Apologies for the possible off-topic post - please shift if there is somewhere more appropriate. We have this great clavinova and the kids are now learning to play it.The middle C has started to malfunction. I've had a scout around for a suitable service/repair service but not very local to us (Bath) and the thing is huge. Can anyone recommend anyone around Bath/Frome/Chippenham who might be able to help. Or failing that someone we might be able to come to an arrangement with for the parts and some guidance (I’m reasonably handy with electrical / electronics)?

Thanks in advance,

Have a good search on YouTube. There are a lot of really good repair videos there and I’d expect so e stuff detailing the workings of a Clavinova keybed. I’d likely have a clue if it was a standard non-weighted synth type keyboard myself, but I’ve never disembowelled the sort of weighted velocity-sensitive keyboard of a Clavinova. Someone will have though.
Thanks guys, all good advice. I spoke to Elextrofix in Bristol (Graham was really helpful). He told me that the keyboard is 1991 and Yamaha don't even have a service manual on their site...which I am searching for online. I think the YouTube route is a good one to start with as Graham said that it'll be the contacts and getting to them is the challenge. We used to have a great music shop in Bath but it closed yonks ago. Sad.

