
[FS] Rega Naia and Technics SL1210G

At that price a bit of a no brainer. I’m sure I will love it and will be an interesting comparison with my long time LP12 and, not so long, 401.
Well I for one am delighted that's it's gone to a fellow Fishie.

If it turns out that the Naia is not your cup of tea then obviously, as a delighted RP10 owner, I might be persuaded to take it off your hands for a further discount from RRP... I know, generous to a fault.

I'm sure you'll be very happy indeed with your purchase!
Congrats to the buyer, you're going to love it, damn thing wasn't even near broken in yet. I have about 100 hours on my Naia and while at first play it was instantly better than my P10 then giving it several days of constant running the Naia -and about 50 hours of play on the Aphelion 2- the experience still gets better every day so please give it a little time before you give us a review.

...Also you'll get the most out of the deck by placing it on a lightweight and rigid stand/top plate, putting the deck on something like a heavy solid wooden cabinet top or the like adds an artificial sheen of heaviness around the performance/voices, same with the P10. All turntables I hear now have this heaviness artifact by comparison to these new Regas, it's frightening how natural women's voices can sound when their set up properly, sometimes late at night when listening with the lights low I need to open my eyes & scan the room because I just heard something that sounded like it was real and not a recording.
£50k-£500k these days is High end for a TT , Munich had dozens this year & most on a very long waiting list

Sondek said ( I have a better insight into why Rega only make four Naias per month. ) 50 units per annum is almost nothing
Well, the NAIA is now collected and with me and, yes, sounding quite sublime. The only fly in the ointment though Richard @sonddek stacked it up against his old LP12 and a WT Amadeus both fitted with his prototype blackbirds and, would you believe it, there wasn’t much in it. Given his arms were sporting modest mm carts and (now) mine a barely run in Dyna XX2 mc makes you think. If not enough mischief there’s more, the visit ended with a spin on an old Garrard 301 fettled with one of his new uber Blackbirds the ‘Nighthawk’……OMG. Admittedly I haven’t had a lot of exposure to that many turntable/arm combos but this was on another level completely. I now know what the fuss is all about with his Supatrac tonearms. Astonishing. Thinking I might put myself on the waiting list.
It's an auction, out of hifi 'season' with collection only, not surprised it went for a low price. Still a great bargain though!

