
red LEDs

Joe P

Memory Alpha incarnate | mod; Shatner number = 2
I like 'em.


Green LEDs are spiffy, too. White are OK in a pinch, but never blue though the colour itself is great on a shirt worn by Mr. Spock.

Blue LEDs make everything sound better - everyone knows that.

Anyway, purple is where it's at now...
Joe, I appreciate your careful placement of vibration control devices on top of your equipment.
Have you tried a blind test against that posh black pasta stuff?

The effect of the ship’s tractor beam on vibration control is so readily apparent not even the most objective of objectivistas on ASR would think a blind test is necessary. Anything the tractor beam misses is simply transported into deep space. And that tinkly sound it makes adds some nice overtones on cymbals and such.

I like 'em.


Green LEDs are spiffy, too. White are OK in a pinch, but never blue though the colour itself is great on a shirt worn by Mr. Spock.


I quite like em too, look great on Rega/Exposure/Densen/B&O etc… my only Red LED is the 33 indicator on my LP12 however, rest are green (Linn LK/Naim classic) with one of Linn’s (quite pleasant) blue VFDs.
I have a solitary green LED on the Croft amp and an attractive green LED display on the Meridian CD player.

The Lenco does not feature any advanced modern technology like LEDs.
I'm happy enough with red, but don't have a strong preference in the colour.

BTW The pic prompts me to ask if V4 of Joni's Archives sets has been released? If so, hope I'm not too late to get a copy!
I don’t have any LED’s that are visible on my equipment :( ,there are small green LED’s on the back of my Dynaudio speakers/sub but that’s it.
My Rotel RA1570 amp has a blue LED on thre power button that could bring down aircraft, they provide a black ring to put round it, to calm it down.

Cheers BB
This is an interesting video about why blue LEDs are only a recent "problem". I must say I had no idea they were so complicated to make.

So complicated to make.

That's a shame.

The only one I have is on my Cambridge Streammagic.

It has a blob of blacktac covering it to prevent an eyesore.
It’s the wild colour scheme that freaks me,” said Zaphod whose love affair with this ship had lasted almost three minutes into the flight, “Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know you’ve done it. What is this? Some kind of galactic hyperhearse?

Blue, you need black...

