
Recording Information

Jo Sharp

Pulls on doors marked push
There is a growing amount of useful information on the DIY forum.
I can see in the future it will be a pain trying to track back through the threads to find a specific nugget that is needed for a project.

Can I ask that we try to record it in an organised fashion on the FAQ forum. We could already have threads covering PSU tweaks/mods, component recommendations and sources, power amp mods, phono boards, TT tweaks and PSUs, etc etc.

Tony - do you want to lead on this or leave it to a free-for-all?

Thanks everyone.
Good idea Jo.

Might it be easier (quicker?) to index the threads and have them in an FAQ listing, grouped as you suggest. Particularly as some threads cross over into other territory, a thread may crop up in more than one place...
Not sure what the best way is. In many of the discussion threads here there is an answer to a problem or a circuit diagram etc - but buried in maybe 20 odd other posts of discussion. I think we need to extract the important bit of the thread that would be a useful reference and place it into the FAQ forum under a suitable thread title
True... I guess going through the threads and cutting and pasting relevant info is no less time consuming than indexing them.
Tony - do you want to lead on this or leave it to a free-for-all?

I would prefer that someone took on the role of FAQ organiser for the DIY stuff - I can then give them posting rights in the FAQ room and leave them to it.... Any volunteers?

Great idea Jo. Tony, how possible is it to have sub-directories so that under DIY, for instance, you could list power supplies, preamps, power amps, etc.?

This would be more intuitive, and more related to normal Windows structure. I don't know a thing about how the forum can be structured but this would be sensible to me.

Richard H has kindly volunteered to deal with the DIY FAQ.

Tony, how possible is it to have sub-directories so that under DIY, for instance, you could list power supplies, preamps, power amps, etc.?

That is indeed possible, I think that once the FAQ room is more established that is probably the way to go.

This is a great idea.

Can I also offer a great piece of software I found recently, called Cogitum Cociter

It's a fabulous free tool for storing information from the web etc. - just highlight the text, right-click and select 'Grab Selected Text'

You then have the option to save the text, filing it in a suitable category of your choice. The database it creates is then fully searchable and what's really good is it saves the source URL for future reference, along with the text.

I find it VERY useful for grabbing useful stuff from a multitude of sites.

Nice one Andy - I'll take a look at it.

Since I volunteered to be "it" (though as Tony says, there can be more than one "it"), I've been thinking on this some more.

The problem as I see it is that we're dealing with opinions in a lot of cases - not simply a matter of "do this, do that, then you have a power supply". There are many ways to skin a rabbit. I'll have to have a think about how it's done, and I think a standard disclaimer will be needed that PFM etc is not recommending any of this per se. I think the directory structure is going to be needed soon, particularly if all this is dropping in with the other FAQ stuff that's already there.

What have I done? :rolleyes:
Tony, Richard,

I'll 'volunteer for the guardroom' as well if you want.

If we get a directory structure in place we can then trawl back through the threads and extract the more useful bits of info. I don't think it needs to be too big or too complicated - just an easy way to get to some of the excellent diagrams and component info that is spread throughout PF new and old. Quite a lot might just be links to other sites - TNT, McBride, DIYaudio, RS, Farnell etc.

Richard - PM me with your email address and we can discuss thread structure off-forum.

