
Recording FM with TASCAM DR-40 issue


New Member
Hello All,
I am new to this forum, searched up and down for an answer and could not find one. Here is my issue:

While trying to record FM from my vehicle:

Connecting TASCAM DR-40 directly to the Front Left and Front Right output of the radio in my vehicle. When the radio is connected to the TASCAM I notice my reception quality gets worse (noisy). When I disconnect the TASCAM the reception quality gets better again. I've tried putting a resistor inline, ground iso & balanced/unbalanced inputs. It seems the TASCAM is inducing noise into the radio reception.

TASCAM is powered by 3 AA batteries so no ground loops from vehicle.
I've used XLR to BNC & 1/4" to BNC. (tapped speaker lead to BNC)

Anyone have an idea to address this issue?
Are you sure you're not overloading the Tascam ?
They have line and mic inputs but seems that you're feeding it at speaker level.
Yes, I am sure. The Tascam has a peak indicator and I also make sure I do not go above reference level on the display. I adjust the volume to the reference point on the Tascam. I know the reception signal is degraded when connected though, I can see signal strength go down when the Tascam is connected. If I try to record a weaker station that already has noise, that noise gets worse when connected.

