
Record Shops

In Witney, Oxfordshire, where I live we have an excellent record shop called Truck.
The Prop. is an excellent guy and very fair with sellers and buyers with his prices.
He also sells audio equipment, both new and vintage.
I often repair turntables for him and he puts up my vintage speakers for sale, on occasion.
The shop often has older collectable amplifiers, such as Quad.
I popped in there today as I was passing the town and can happily concur. It was very hard to walk out with only some (well-priced) CDs and leave a very keenly priced and in good nick Quad tuner behind, but my wife was with me and it might have caused some domestic dislocation. Pity, it would have matched my 45/405.2 nicely.

It was in Witney that I bought my first LPs (Roxy Music and Elton John) in 1975 from a long defunct electrical shop in Corn Street. And didn’t Delnevo in the High Street used to sell records, too?

EDIT - or were both those shops run by the Delnevo family? It was a long time ago!
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Next time you head in that direction go up the hill to the Crystal Palace proper. Round the back of the triangle, just further down from the Everyman Cinema, you'll find Mark's record shop. Not sure what it's called! Nice bloke, nice stock. Definitely worth the effort.
Thanks for pointing me to Mark's shop. I had fun rummaging through the racks this afternoon. Records everywhere! And some interesting bits of hi-fi and wotnot. And Mark is indeed a nice bloke. Came away with three records and could have spent a lot more. Will be going back for sure.
The Sound Machine in Reading have 75% off everything at the moment, to make way for new stock at the end of June. It's slim pickings - much of the good stuff went recently at 50% off. However I did get (on vinyl) Jean Michel Jarre's Magnetic Fields for £2, and a couple of early albums by Kathryn Tickell for £2.50.

Also available is The Sweet's Biggest Hits for 50p, which is about what I paid new in '72. This time, though, I didn't buy.
For sheer size of stock...

Black and White, Toinen Linja, Helsinki - mostly (perhaps entirely) second hand, both CD and vinyl.

I went through the CD stock of "kotimaiset" (i.e. Finnish music) last Wednesday - it took me nearly an hour. I ended up with 13 additions to my collection after forcing myself to be selective :)
I honestly tend to have fairly low expectations these days, but Elephant Records in Winchester defies them. Three times in a row I've popped in thinking "there's no way they'll have that", and then they

The slight problem is that, while he has nice speakers (Neat Iota Alphas), he doesn't actually have a website yet, other than on Facebook which I can't access because I got off there years ago.
Thanks for the tip. A gold mine that's far from mainstream, but even so I walked out with a handful of LPs and plenty of ideas for my next visit.

