
Re-tip Karma or ???


Well-Known Member
I've got a Linn Karma with no cantilever which I bought in order to have re-tipped by ESCo. My current cart is a DL103 with their cantilever and paratrace and it's stunning. So I have no objections to the work done by ESCo which I think is superb. ESCo have advised that, subject to inspection, the Karma is well worth doing.

However...two Gents in the audio industry both of whom I trust, are giving me different messages. One, who owns an ESCo Troika says get the Karma done, no contest. The other guy tells me things have moved on since the 80s and I would do a lot better new.

So, what do you think? Budget £350 (the nominal price for sorting the Karma). MC or MM both options (but I use MC at the minute).

Thanks all. MV.
AT33PTG is in this price territory. I'd say it's decent, but no idea, how it compares to Karma.
I'm a fan of ESCO myself but I don't think spending £350 on a Karma rebuild is cost effective, you can certainly pick up a better deal on a new or used cartridge IMO. Let us know which way you go.
My current cart is a DL103 with their cantilever and paratrace and it's stunning.

The other guy tells me things have moved on since the 80s and I would do a lot better new.

It looks like he may be wrong - your DL103 was designed in the 60s.

I had my Karma rebuilt by ESCo many years ago, then went to Lyra, discovered the joys of DL103s, and now have an ESCo DL103 in a Zu body - which is way beyond any of them, so you may find the Karma isn't quite as "real" as the DL103 even when rebuilt, but still a fine cartridge.
I never had a Karma but the Asaka and Clyde seem like ancient history to me. The Arkiv II seemed to me better than the Troika and I would even take my current Cadenza Blue over the last Linn cartridge I had which was the Akiva.
As you bought it with the express purpose of having it refurbished, go for it. Bear in mind that it does have a low output, though. I had one in the early eighties and enjoyed it (then). Personally, a cheapish Lyra will be a more exciting move with its much higher output (0.5mV or so), but it depends on your kit and tastes.
I would get the Karma sorted. Goldring did my last Troika (ruby cantilever and top Gyger stylus) - couldn't have been happier with it.

Personally I'm not a great fan of the higher output low output MC's (if you know what I mean) and assuming your phonostage can cope with it my preferred carts have all had very low outputs.

Many times people end up comparing their new shiny cartridge to their old worn out one and conclude the new brand is far superior to the old one without taking into account that a new stylus beats a worn one (people often use a cartridge massively past its worn out stage too).
I sent my Karma to Goldring, full rebuild for about £275 if I remember, new cantilever/suspension/coils, they were the repair agents for Linn I believe. Can't fault the job they did, they fitted an Ogura tip which they said was closest to the original.

