
quad 57s help


pfm Member
friend has is getting a pair of these on saturday
and wants me to give him a hand to set them up.
Problem is he does not have cables for them.
My knowledge is nil.Do they need power cables,if so is it one
for each and which ones.
Will be hooked up to a quad pre/power so will any speaker cable do.
He lives some distance so don't want wasted journey.

Do they need power cables,if so is it one
for each and which ones.

Yes, and the vast majority of ESL57s have a funny little mini 'bulgin' (not sure of the correct spelling) mains connector which is pretty hard to source if they are missing. IIRC very late 57s were fitted with standard IEC mains sockets.


The ESL57s have larger Bulgin sockets than the mini Bulgins used on the 33/303 amps of the period. They're not easy to find but I have an "as brand new pair", each 7 feet long, with moulded mains plugs at the other end , which cost me quite a lot of money a couple of years ago. I no longer need them, as I've changed the terminals on the ESLs. If you need them, £30 ovno (plus postage) would secure.

And, yes, each ESL needs a power input, as well as the standard speaker input.

thanks graham.

didn't make it there today (flu)
but if there needed i'll pm you.



