
Quad 33/303 very nice with boxes but needs work. Worth it?

Had a listen to the seller's video - first thing I would do is clean out the volume pot and and all connectors with a good anti-static spray such as Sevisol - likely they are all filthy inside
It is a 50 year old amp, so assume it will need a full service by someone competent. The good thing about this kit is it is a real classic and all information needed is in the public domain. All information was actually supplied by Quad new as they shipped with schematics. It is all great kit, and yes, it can be serviced. I have two 303s in daily use, though both are fully restored. I’d not run a non-serviced one, it is just too old. Usually they just need some new capacitors, the pots cleaning out and the internal voltages and bias setting correctly, though being such an old amp you have no idea what anyone has done to them previously. A 50 year old amp has likely been serviced at least once by now. As such I’d try to get some additional information, but it looks decent and I guess they are pretty rare over there.

PS Looking at the pics the 303 looks to have its original PSU and smoothing caps, so it *definitely* needs a service. The risk is whether they have already leaked over the boards beneath. That said I think it was mainly the blue ones that leaked, the gold ones in one of mine were intact (Quad changed brands a few times). Regardless there isn’t a Quad 303 that can’t be fixed! Pretty much everything can be found as they made so many of them.
...but if the worst comes to the worst, these are available:
Taken from the blurb: 'They are designed to be replicas of the original boards, and thus have no component markings or values.' They also do completed boards, as well as boards from the 33.
No affiliation with seller, other than have used them for bits and service was always decent.
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They look in good condition aesthetically but consider both need a full service with new caps and probably transistors too, especially in the 33. In the video volume is being turned up to three quarters of the way on the 33 which shouldn't be necessary on a restored pair. I have two of each and I rarely have to turn the volume beyond 4 o'clock on the 33's (off is at 12 o'clock). If you can solder, these units are easy to work on, there's lots of info on the web and parts are easily obtained. In the UK these would go for circa £350. Look for the serial number on the 33; numbers in excess of 100,000 are preferable.
I’ve overhauled several vintage Sansuis, a little McIntosh, some Quad, B&O, etc. So I think this would be doable. The attraction here was the condition and completeness, with original boxes, etc. On the other hand I have too much audio stuff. So there’s that!
Let's get that restoration thread going in the Classic room.

They do look very tidy.

