
prostate cancer,

hi, well i have just been to the hospital, for my second prostate Biopsy, results, not so good
i had stage one, on my first, after a very different and huge , 2nd, biopsy, they have found cell that Could lead to a more aggrieve cancer,
still got 10-12 years no problem, but they can not, put that in writing,
So its, radiotherapy, or removal, pro's and con's, radiotherapy, should get rid of the cancer, but will lead to a non erection for life,
second is prostate, removal, gone is the cancer, and a 50% of a boner,, also if you have radio, and it comes back, there is nothing they can do,
if you have removal, and then it comes back ,you can have radio,
i'm havening removal,
PLEASE, if you have anything wrong with your peeing go straight to the doctors
I ONLY had trouble peeing when i was on the booze, but still thought there was a problem,
the reason i have caught this very early,

i only get up about once a week in the night for a pee, and only have a pee once maybe twice max when i'm at work all day, 5 hours walking,,
anything you find different, ,,that is a red flag,

i will be fine but for the love of god, any problems' , go to the doctors,
on this site it's looking at about 70%, of people over 50,
DONT BE A HERO, hero's are all dead,

Very best of luck, such unpleasant biopsy procedures, did they offer an MRI scan? I thought that was becoming more common as it’s more accurate and much less invasive.
I had a general blood test a year ago and the PSA was up a bit (can't remember the number and don't know what he range is anyway; maybe 14.5 if that makes any sense). As far as I can tell, I have no symptoms (if indeed there are allied symptoms) according to Google. I shall in early course have another test (incl. PS or PSA specific).

A sporting colleague, younger than me, has recently gone through the radiotherapy system and is fairly confident of success. I asked him what symptoms he experience prior to having tests and he said "none". I for one would like to know what changes in behaviour might indicate a prostate cancer problem. An enlarged prostate is, I believe, a different kettle of fish.

I had 5 days of radiotherapy about 7 years ago; it was basal cell carcinoma, at the bottom rung of cancers, I think (can 100 000+ volts REALLY kill cancer without collateral damage?) It was on my schnozzle and I bear the scar. The worst part was the injection prior to the biopsy; they didn't warn me that it would be excruciating. I nearly broke the nurse's hand! It really couldn't have been worse if they'd simply taken a lump out without the anaesthetic.

Best progress, Graystoke.
No, 10,000V cannot kill cancer without *some* collateral damage. The degree of damage varies and is improving, as others have said. But as with any drug, it's the lesser of 2 evils.
Best wishes, Graystoke. Hope it works OK, a mate of mine had it last year and he's now recovering.
I am curious whether UK use TRUSS or Transperineal biopsies? I'm at the waiting room and will be having that discussion in half an hour. Generally in NZ it is TRUSS for public and the Transperineal for private.
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If it can be any help, I have a very close friend (70) who had most of his prostate removed and after a few weeks, with the aid of Viagra-type pills, he was once again "fully operative" in the sexual field and very pleased with himself.
Best of luck to you!
keep a diary of symptoms- things you notice.

When you see your Doctor or specialist Nurse - take written questions, anything that is niggling you or things that need clarification. Take notes on the responses. Question things.

Lean on close friends. Time for them to share the load.

play your music maybe a bit louder :) - best wishes.
My PSA numbers escalated very suddenly and after much finger probing,biopsy snipping it was decided that action was needed.
The surgeon I felt guided me toward radio therapy. All the routes were open but at my advanced age he felt that 25 sessions in the lead lined room would be my best option.
T’wasnt easy for a month or two. Exhaustion and evacuation control being the main problems.
Five years later at 84 and PSA of 0.03 I feel fine and ‘in control’.
As I understand it there is a simple PSA test which is rather crude and a more sophisticated one which you can request from a GP. My brother is a retired GP and he made a point of using the better test. Most GPs don't.
gosh , thats not widely known . good point
I doctor friend of mine once told me that the chances of men of a certain age dying with prostate cancer are high but the chances of those same men dying of it are relatively low. That's not to say one should be complacent, the advice above is sound, it's just to perhaps give a sliver of hope which stops anyone with a slightly raised PSA from automatically thinking the need to get their affairs in order...

Wishing you success with your treatment.
very true
Very best of luck, such unpleasant biopsy procedures, did they offer an MRI scan? I thought that was becoming more common as it’s more accurate and much less invasive.
yes i had a MRI recently , despite having a low PSA i am just a hypochondriac and 1 in 8 men with negative psa can have cancer

as the NHS website says

PSA tests are unreliable and can suggest prostate cancer when no cancer exists (a false-positive result). Most men are now offered an MRI scan before a biopsy to help avoid unnecessary tests, but some men may have invasive, and sometimes painful, biopsies for no reason.

Furthermore, around 1 in 7 of those with normal PSA levels may have prostate cancer (a false-negative result), so many cases may be missed.

The PSA test can find aggressive prostate cancer that needs treatment, but it can also find slow-growing cancer that may never cause symptoms or shorten life. Some men may face difficult decisions about treatment, although this is less likely now that most men are offered an MRI scan before further tests and treatment
Best wishes Graystoke, that must be unpleasant to have to deal with. On the plus side, there's plenty nowadays that beat it, you'll be one of them.

Erections arent all what they're cracked up to be mucka, but seeing a sunrise, is. Hope you see many more👍
fantastic .... well put Pravda

