
Printing photos from an EOS 90D with the date?


pfm Member
After being shafted for what I thought was already an agreed value for my Old Banger, they now want copious prints with the date taken on the prints.
Goggle , Google and the first Canon manual I've had to read after 44 years as a Canon user, this has me beat. Appears this might be feasible in the printing but my Epson Printer is a Disaster as far as user friendliness and the Pixma Pro is not a lot better, any help appreciated. Thanks.
Cheers for that but already seen and for a different camera. God Forbid an Insurance Company cannot put a digital image into a programme that will give hem all the info they need, probably cheaper false number plates and outrun the Police:). Another 6 years years needs no m.o.t or VHE or whatever the stealth tax is called now if I last that long.
Insurance companies often like to do everything they can to make their clients claims as drawn out & painful as possible. Presuming the rest of the correspondence is digital, who else would demand dated prints these days?

Adding the date here is nuts as they must know it can so easily be faked (as can exif data). In this case it might be best to ask them how they’d like you to do it to their satisfaction, complete with instructions. If you follow them to get the prescribed result they can’t really complain, can they?

