
Price for my LP12


pfm Member

Wondering if the LP12 experts could give me an idea of what I would expect used for my LP12:

2012 LP12 with Cirkus etc. Roksan Nima, Low hours Adikt. Linn Walnut.

The value of any commodity, ... to the person who possesses it, and who means not to use or consume it himself, but to exchange it for other commodities, is equal to the quantity of labour which it enables him to purchase or command. Labour, therefore, is the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities (Wealth of Nations Book 1, chapter V; emphasis added).

Value (without qualification) as an intrinsic worth which stands without the process of exchange.

Marx defined the value of the commodity by the third definition. In his terms, value is the 'socially necessary abstract labor' embodied in a commodity. In Ricardo and other classical economists, this definition serves as a measure of "real cost", "absolute value", or a "measure of value" invariable under changes in distribution and technology.[3]

Ricardo, other classical economists, and Marx began their expositions with the assumption that value in exchange was equal to or proportional to this labor value. They thought this was a good assumption from which to explore the dynamics of development in capitalist societies.

Other supporters of the labor theory of value used the word "value" in the second sense, to represent "exchange value".[4]

or in other words

sell it and find out , its the only way .
Regarding the original post. It depends largely on what PSU is in it or with it.

A really recent 2012 base motor unit and lid in mint condition has got to be worth at least a grand (I think about 2K new). Nima I guess worth 250-350, a used Adikt with very low hour, I guess 100-200 quid. Then something for the PSU which presumably was fitted as new. If it's a Majik PSU then I guess a couple of hundred quid, a recent Lingo 3 say 800? or a Radikal would be IRO 1700. Ballpark.

