
Pre amp for Linn LK140

Thank you both !
Excuse my silly questions, but in what way would the Akurate be better than the Exotik, given that both had Dynamik supply ?

I seem to remember linnfomaniac said the analog section is the same ?

So, if I listen to records and CD Player via an external MDAC that feeds an analogue signal into the PRE,

and if I don't fancy any streaming, surround and the like, so in short I am pretty old-style in my listening habbits,

am I correct in thinking an Akurate would not provide

any advantage to me in comparison to the Exotik ?
thx & kind regrads,,

They do use the same analog board. Exotik DA variants (built in DSP/DAC/Dolby/DTS decoder) are actually identical to the Akurate Kontrol, they literally just changed the branding to fit the Akurate range of products. The Dynamik was introduced later so no Exotik was ever fitted with it from new. It's possible to fit the Dynamik to any Exotik although as already mentioned, some will lose settings if mains power is removed (or the unit is switched off at the back as this is a hard power switch). As also mentioned these settings can be stored in deeper memory and recalled with a few key presses so it's a none issue really.
Thank you all for the detailled and competent answers,,,
looks all I have to care for it's with dynamic & my preferred colour & I'm fine.. :)

