
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

The Murdoch name always makes me think of Morlock, or Moloch, neither of which you'd want to meet down a dark alley, or anywhere else for that matter. Apologies to anybody on here with that surname, but it always sounds sinister and a bit devilish to me. Nominative determination in action, then.
Wonderful trolling, but not by Bud Light, alas: "These photos are doctored, the billboard does not exist nor is this an advertisement by Bud Light. The original video was created by @.jamisonlightfoot on TikTok who specializes in convincing photoshop." (context now added on Twitter)
A definite win. I wonder how it will impact future cases e.g. Smartmatic? I assume not at all as the buck stops with Fox as a business entity and Murdoch himself was in the loop.
I don't see how this has any bearing on future cases and it looks to me more like he is paying the price for the $767m with his job.
The other rumour on the twitters is that he might now run in 2024...

.. which would be equal parts popcorn and awful.
This looks interesting as well. Habba and Tacopina out in the EJ Carroll case and distinguished semi-retired mid-west lawyer in which looks like it could be the start of an attempt to settle.

The other rumour on the twitters is that he might now run in 2024...

.. which would be equal parts popcorn and awful.

That would be too good, if Trump also runs. The common theme so far is 'forced out' not sure that fits the running for '24 idea.
Carlson's firing due to Abby Grossberg's discrimination lawsuit apparently. Also his alleged view that Jan 6th was caused by undercover FBI agents or something.

The thing that surprised me in that link was that Carlson, the top Fox News gobshite, only had around 3m viewers. That’s less than Eastenders here in Little England. The new Contrapoints video is up to 2.4m views now! I’d always assumed Fox was absolutely massive. America has a population of 331m.
The thing that surprised me in that link was that Carlson, the top Fox News gobshite, only had around 3m viewers. That’s less than Eastenders here in Little England. The new Contrapoints video is up to 2.4m views now! I’d always assumed Fox was absolutely massive. America has a population of 331m.

It's more to do with influence and reach and driving news agendas from what they say, who they get on, who responds to their coverage, etc.. The only people who actually watch it are retired racists in rural towns.
Carlson's firing due to Abby Grossberg's discrimination lawsuit apparently. Also his alleged view that Jan 6th was caused by undercover FBI agents or something.

I just love it when corporations pull the old "It has recently come to our attention that employee X is a complete douchebag" when it is patently obvious that they knew this for years, and derived much value from the douchebaggery of that employee.
Carlson's firing due to Abby Grossberg's discrimination lawsuit apparently. Also his alleged view that Jan 6th was caused by undercover FBI agents or something.

This reminds me of when Fox News fired Bill O’Reilly for sexual harassment. That was a very good day.

Fox knows that Grossman has the goods on Carlson, so they must have been advised that firing him was the best path to minimizing damages in the upcoming lawsuit. This will still be seen as an admission of guilt, but I suspect that Fox saw no other way to get to a settlement.

It’s another very good day! :D
It's kind of crazy to think Tucker has now been fired from CNN, MSNBC and Fox.
And yet still managed to amass a personal wealth several orders of magnitude beyond what even a well-paid worker could expect to accumulate over a working lifetime.

This is the real problem. Crimes like this pay. Handsomely.

