
Poor quality fruit & veg. What's yours like?

Thing is people don't want our food corrupted by preservatives etc, but then many then complain that food spoils too quickly. Supermarkets can't win. You can't have food that is both free from chemicals etc but last weeks.
The OP mentioned a "falling off", and in the last few weeks, I have. There has been no big announcements about free from chemicals, so its just a decline.
Supermarkets do ok
The OP mentioned a "falling off", and in the last few weeks, I have. There has been no big announcements about free from chemicals, so its just a decline.
Supermarkets do ok
Maybe I missed it, but what is meant by "falling off"? Some people would throw fruit away when they consider it over ripe even though it's perfectly ok to eat. Obviously spoiling is a different matter. Regional language difference? I have no idea what falling off means.
Maybe I missed it, but what is meant by "falling off"? Some people would throw fruit away when they consider it over ripe even though it's perfectly ok to eat. Obviously spoiling is a different matter. Regional language difference? I have no idea what falling off means.
You'd have to ask the OP, my interpretation of"Falling Off", is its not lasting any decent amount of time, like it has in the past:rolleyes:

my recipe is made up.

You can also char lettuce - delicious

Define quality.

Was the fruit just already over ripe or was it actually going off? because there's a big difference. In Brazil you'll frequently find over ripe fruit on the shelf. At least it's over ripe from our UK perspective. Doesn't seem to bother most Brazilians though, and it often tastes better than the rather bland fruit we have here.

Thing is people don't want our food corrupted by preservatives etc, but then many then complain that food spoils too quickly. Supermarkets can't win. You can't have food that is both free from chemicals etc but last weeks.

Well when you regularly buy a 4 pack of fruit be it pears, peaches, nectarines etc or indeed a net of 3/4 onions and seemingly every time without fail there is one ie. 25% rotten or going over, a reasonable person is entitled to believe this is not accidental
I'm noticing a fall-off in the quality of our fruit & veg (mainly bought from Lidl & Sainsburys). Just had a pear that I ended up binning and then the same with a peach. This seems to have started a few weeks ago. A friend tells me he now only buys apples & bananas, because soft fruit has become so unreliable.

Just wondering if this is a "thing" nationally, or are we just unlucky here in Glasgow. What's your fruit & veg quality like? Has it changed recently?

I buy from Sainsburys and also feel that quality has been dropping.
That's the reason why I prefer to choose myself instead of ordering only, which would be more environmentally friendly.

Buying fruit of th season helps.
I always check the origin and try to by local or European fruit.
I try to buy organic which tends to be better but costs more.
Just wondering if this is a "thing" nationally, or are we just unlucky here in Glasgow. What's your fruit & veg quality like? Has it changed recently?
We've been getting a lot of shoddy rubbish from Tesco for months. I can reject the delivery but there's nothing then for the week and it requires holding the guy up while I inspect everything so that's not going to happen...
You can also char lettuce - delicious
Wife not crazy about salads so we use our lettuces as cabbage or in soup, omelettes etc. Quite nice.

Returned Ripe 'n' Ready nectarines to S'bury's Norwich recently; hard as rocks. Similar peaches better in texture but not as I remember peaches in flavour. Straw's and raspberries from garden. Thank heavens for bananas; good v.f.m. and still well under £1 a kilo. oranges and grapes from S'bury's fine as well.
We've been getting a lot of shoddy rubbish from Tesco for months. I can reject the delivery but there's nothing then for the week and it requires holding the guy up while I inspect everything so that's not going to happen...
Tesco are really good for that, no argument at all. Trouble is, as you say, it's a special trip or do without...and I want it now😇
Wife not crazy about salads so we use our lettuces as cabbage or in soup, omelettes etc. Quite nice.

Returned Ripe 'n' Ready nectarines to S'bury's Norwich recently; hard as rocks. Similar peaches better in texture but not as I remember peaches in flavour. Straw's and raspberries from garden. Thank heavens for bananas; good v.f.m. and still well under £1 a kilo. oranges and grapes from S'bury's fine as well.
lettuce, pea and fresh mint soup is delicious
I'm noticing a fall-off in the quality of our fruit & veg (mainly bought from Lidl & Sainsburys). Just had a pear that I ended up binning and then the same with a peach. This seems to have started a few weeks ago. A friend tells me he now only buys apples & bananas, because soft fruit has become so unreliable.

Just wondering if this is a "thing" nationally, or are we just unlucky here in Glasgow. What's your fruit & veg quality like? Has it changed recently?
100% - Last 2 times I brought Mango’s from Sainsbury’s they went straight in the bin without enjoying a chunk. They didn’t ripen, even though it was warm and they just seemed to go off. Brought two from Tesco this weekend and they are fantastic, perfect quality and am currently still enjoying them as I write this

On the other hand, strawberries seem to last marginally better from Sainsbury’s and their taste the difference much longer
I'm noticing a fall-off in the quality of our fruit & veg (mainly bought from Lidl & Sainsburys). Just had a pear that I ended up binning and then the same with a peach. This seems to have started a few weeks ago. A friend tells me he now only buys apples & bananas, because soft fruit has become so unreliable.

Just wondering if this is a "thing" nationally, or are we just unlucky here in Glasgow. What's your fruit & veg quality like? Has it changed recently?
We’ve shopped at Lidl for years but the quality of their fruit and veg generally really isn’t all that great. Some things will last the week but many items won’t.

We’ve now taken to going next door to the M&S food hall for mushrooms, anything salad related and most fruit as the quality is much better.
I have been back in the UK for 11 days and yes the fruit and veg in the main supermarkets is not as good as it could be.

However, there is a similar problem in Spain where grapes in particular are not good at all, all very soft and soggy. African bananas have sometimes been in short supply for a day or two. I have seen some Spanish customers moaning to the staff about it, so it's not just a UK problem.

My holiday home is in Andalucia which is a major farming centre and the weather is playing havoc with everything from lettuce to melons and the quantities are well down and what is still growing looks ropey.

On the other hand my lemon tree must have over one hundred lemons on it and is thriving on the drought conditions.

Perhaps we may need to modify our diet a bit.

Anyone fancy lemon curd on toast for breakfast?
Not that long ago it seemed to me that Sainsbury’s fresh Fruit and Veg was sold as ripe for immediate consumption and went out a couple of days later whereas Tesco equivalent lasted longer and where often better 2 days after purchase.
I have been back in the UK for 11 days and yes the fruit and veg in the main supermarkets is not as good as it could be.

Anyone fancy lemon curd on toast for breakfast?
Possibly the best way of using the generally tasteless UK eggs unless you are going to preserve them or make limoncello.
No complaints here with produce from Unicorn organic co-op in Chorlton supplemented with a neighbour’s allotment surplus and our own herbs and salad greens.
Just made a delicious kohlrabi, onion, potato and garlic soup for tea.

