
Ponies in Space


pfm Member
Cartoon ponies are infiltrating the circuits of the ISS, again.



this is the second instance of ponies in space her Sister, Luna was sent up to the ISS this time last year via different contractor.


There is no place safe from the herd, you cannot escape us, we are everywhere around you and now orbiting above you. We are legion. Deep Space probe next, or perhaps Mars...
Can you imagine how this will be interpreted by (space) archeologists in thousands of years time? Pony worship; Pony Deities; Ponies in space; the list of misinterpretations is endless.
They will just assume its a modern interpretation of the cults of epona, an extension of the human tendency to etch bloody great pones on the side of chalk hills and draw on cave walls. Subconsciously maybe they both plug into the same part of human weirdness to put pictures of horses on epic things.

EDIT: I have just found out that somewhere in the National Ignition Facility is a beam focuser with Princess Luna sitting on a cloud etched inside. Bronies and precision machining equipment = epic win. Because when you deal with 1/20λ accuracy in a waveform around 300 nm wavelength you really need a pony on hand.
meanwhile... somewhere in one of NASA's main display subsystems (those walls of big screens you see) sits a PWM controller


God, this gets better.
EDIT: I have just found out that somewhere in the National Ignition Facility is a beam focuser with Princess Luna sitting on a cloud etched inside. Bronies and precision machining equipment = epic win. Because when you deal with 1/20λ accuracy in a waveform around 300 nm wavelength you really need a pony on hand.

Like the bat signal then, only with a pony...?

