
Pink Fisher saves legendary guitarist....

There are some strange things happening in the world right now and it makes me wonder. People like Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith, Gerry Adams and Max Clifford get brought to justice after a lifetime of being dregs of society, and it feels as if it's judgement day, like the world is preparing to end and things are finally being put right.
And now we see someone we love and respect get a terminal illness taken away and once again things are put right in the world. Charlie, you have the gratitude and thanks of so many thousands of people. It puts the superficial things we do into perspective.

My aunt many years ago was diagnosed with a tumour. She was massively into spiritualism and faith healing (not religious in the traditional sense in the slightest) and when she was eventually opened up, the tumour had vanished.
I'd like to think that the focus of so much love directed towards Wilco maybe had something to do with this. Maybe it's true that love can heal anything. I certainly cannot remember such a public sense of love and support for any one particular person like this before, and I don't believe in coincidence.

Can we buy you a beer please Charlie?
Fantastic news Charlie - hope Wilko recovers fully. Everyone in the cancer treatment and care profession holds me in awe.
Well done Charlie - I've followed Wilko since the heady days of Dr Feelgood and the world would be a massively lesser place without him in it.

I have a relative who had what must have been the same unusual pancreatic cancer, successfully removed surgically with no follow up chemo etc and she is well now, just diabetic. This tumour was removed at a much earlier stage than Wilko though, with less loss of organs. I wish him the best.
Happy Days! Charlie is an amazing person.
I think the thread title is spot on. :)
Any thread title that, even tenuously, ties this site to the ongoing good health of Wilko Johnson is fine by me! The world is a far better place with Wilko in it, and long may that be the case. Well done Charlie!
That's fantastic news.

I saw Wilko Johnson in his own band back in the 70's as a teenager.

Well done Charlie. I'm sure your skills have saved many worthwhile people throughout your career, and lets hope Wilko will be another.

Now, can you do something for Michael Schumacher too?

