
Pics of your pets (part II)

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Walking back home through the village this afternoon, we saw this gorgeous little cat sat on top the wall surrounding the Manor House.

I'm not much of a cat person but of the many ferals we have around us, most of which are used to human contact, there's one fella that seems to have clicked with me. If I'm out back in the morning he'll always approach for some petting and hang around until I move on.
He seems to avoid contact with others though.
I'll get a pic one day...
Yesterday was much like the other day... walked in video chat with San Francisco friends in lockdown, we looked at newborn lambs, sunsets, barns and brooks... we talked about better days ahead, changing society In ways so billionaires can never ever exist and keeping an eye out for each other.

The sheep, moved to a lambing field, meant nothing was about, so we ambled 6km until the batteries ran low and the sunset crept into twilight.

It was a lovely day today (perfect hillwalking weather) so Ludo and I had a wander up a few hills in the Pentlands that we can access directly from the house. Here he is on the top of West Kip, looking towards our next couple of hills - East Kip and Scald Law (which is the highest in the Pentlands).

Cat photos by Andrew Clarke, on Flickr

This is Izzie. She is one of three rescue kittens that came to us on 14/2/2015. They were found in a cardboard box with their mum, abandoned in a park in Bramcote, Nottingham. We had to have our lovely Allie put to sleep on Xmas Eve 2014, at the good old age of 18 1/2yrs, as Allie had started having seizures. We said we'd not have any more for a while, but then one day my wife told me about one of her work colleagues that volunteers at Bramcote Animal Rescue, who had told here about these kittens... the rest is history.

Izzie came to us quite traumatised, and anxious. She also came with an upper respiratory tract infection. She had seen enough trauma already in her young life. When we first met them, Izzie sat in the middle of the foster mums room, very frightened, and just looked up at me. I instantly wanted to make her safe. Izzie loves to play, and is especially good at playing fetch.

Cat picture 2 by Andrew Clarke, on Flickr

This is Myla. The local vet thought she was a Mylo, but our vet quickly cleared that up. Myla is very intelligent. Nothing much phases her. Wherever we are, she is. We nearly didn't have her, but for some reason no-one wanted the black cat.

Ellie by Andrew Clarke, on Flickr

This is my Ellie. We lost her on 5/1/20 to a car hitting her outside our house. It was a dark, dark day, having to take her to the vets that day. She was totally my girl, and she fondly tolerated my wife LOL. Ellie was the 1st cat I've owned that loved to headbutt you. She was really good at it! She is missed every day.
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