
Photography hints and tips?

Just a quick tip from me.
With my EOS 40D, indoors, with normal lightbulbs, I found that none of the white balance settings gave the correct result. So I set the WB manually to its lowest Kelvin setting and all was well again.

Tony, you have, I think, just saved me from posting a thread about white balance. I have been using the Tungsten setting for no flash big aperture shots indoors under filament lighting, but still getting the 'orange' effect you see above. All I have to do now is to figure out how to find and use Kelvin settings. Do you happen to know if I can do this on a 350D?
For the correct white balance, I just took a photo of a white piece of paper and saved it in the custom settings. Can't you do that on the 40d or 350d?
Tony, you have, I think, just saved me from posting a thread about white balance. I have been using the Tungsten setting for no flash big aperture shots indoors under filament lighting, but still getting the 'orange' effect you see above. All I have to do now is to figure out how to find and use Kelvin settings. Do you happen to know if I can do this on a 350D?


just shoot RAW and adjust the white balance in photoshop (or whatever other RAW converter you may have) until skin tone looks about right, then remember that setting and apply it to all the other shots in the same set. Again, in photoshop, you can record the tasks to do this and replay them against a whole batch while putting the kettle on :)

There is no guaranteed correct temperature that covers all domestic lighting - especially given that most people will have a mix of tungsten and "energy saving" (probably fluorescent) bulbs these days.


Sorry for the late reply. Fatmarley's answer is the correct one, but I can never remember how to do it! I obviously need to practice that valuable feature til it sticks in my mind.
Have you looked in your 350D's destruction manual to see if you can do what I do?

RAW? Not for me, unless I'm shooting some serious stuff.


