
photo theme 50: "on forever's very now we stand" 25.11 - 8.12.09


m9/elmarit 28-m
OK, not great, but I caught my son in very contemplative pose when faced with his birthday cake - pondering what the future holds for him maybe? More likely how much cake he can manage to eat, but anyway....

Morning all.

Thank you to all those who submitted this time around, some good things coming through.

I really like what Richard was getting at with how the young view the concepts of now and forever; it's a direction I had hoped someone would take.

Also the couple of images shooting from dark into light, particularly the image from mentalp; there's almost nothing there but it still manages to convey a senses of anticipation, of excitement and even of trepidation at what lies beyond.

My pick has to be the image from Tantris though, there's just so much to look at, so much that keeps dragging the eye back. From what I have seen here it also seems to contain a fair bit more narrative than is usual for a Tantris image - don't know if that was consciously the case but I like it.
I also liked mentalp's and Richard's photographs, and thought that mentalp would carry the day here.

Thank you very much, Coda II, for nominating my photograph. Normally it couldn't be taken from that spot, but I had noticed the previous weekend that the reed beds had been cut, and I was able to wade over some very muddy ground to get there. I shall give some thought as to the next theme.
well done Tantris, that was my favourite, although I also liked Pete's.

Here's hoping you don't choose something obscure and Swiss to challenge us with ;-)

